
Rabeendra Tilakaratne avatar image
Rabeendra Tilakaratne asked

Cerbo GX is offline. How to make online.

My Cerbo GX is offline now. I have updated the software version. How can I make in online ?

cerbo gx
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1 Answer
Sten avatar image
Sten answered ·

You need to connect your cerbo gx to a network to get online. To do that you have to connect to your cerbo gx over bluetooth. In the setings there you can those your network to connect to. You can also connect to your network with a ethernet cable to your router from the cerbo gx.

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Rabeendra Tilakaratne avatar image Rabeendra Tilakaratne commented ·

Basic issue. Communication failed to the router. Not any software issue. Thanks for the information.

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