
mikemynis avatar image
mikemynis asked

VRM going back to "My Installations"

Since a few days, after being logged in to VRM, it always reverts back to the "My Installations" page.

Previously I had my tablet open on the Dashboard, day and night, where I could see all blocks.
At a glance, I could see the status of all devices.

But now, it's constantly going back to the "My Installations" window after a few minutes, which is pretty useless.

Is this a new VRM version 'improvement'? Well then it's a complete failure, because it's extremely annoying.

Or is there a setting now that I can FIX the screen on the dashboard?

If it's not possible anymore, then I will ditch VRM, because the way it works now, is really worthless.

vrm bug
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2 Answers
pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered ·

Set your link on your tablet to

where XXXXXXXX is the number of your installation found in the browser address bar, then as long as you are logged in you should go direct to your dashboard.

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mikemynis avatar image
mikemynis answered ·

Hi @pwfarnell,

Thanks for your answer. Yes, that's what I already do.
But every time, after a few minutes, the url changes to:

Then I see "My installations".

It does not stay on the /dashboard page.

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Fideri avatar image Fideri commented ·

I don't experience similar problems, so I doubt it's a new "improvement". How do you know your device is not the problem? Have you tried the app or a different device?


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pwfarnell avatar image pwfarnell commented ·
My tablet locks on OK and remains on the dashboard.
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