
petajoule avatar image
petajoule asked

Storage Mode on MultiRS - how to get rid of it?

For about 10 days, the battery in a 3f MultiRS configuration is used less and less.


It seems as if the regular bulk, absorption, float cycles ceased:


What's going on and how can I get rid of this behavior?
The 3f MultiRS is using "ESS with battery life". No one touched the config for the past month or so.

battery chargingESSSOCMulti RS
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2 Answers
Alex Pescaru avatar image
Alex Pescaru answered ·

Hi @PetaJoule

The storage mode is entered if for more than 24 hours the battery is not discharged. Which is strange because you battery seems to be discharging... Is that true?

Then, in the Battery section of the config, if you enable Expert Mode, you will have an option named Rebulk. That is the offset from the float the voltage has to drop for one minute in order to perform a rebulk.

Which kind of batteries you have? I suppose that they are lead-acid types, right? Because only for this setting is entering storage mode...

How old they are?

Which are the other settings from the battery page, including expert ones?


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petajoule avatar image petajoule commented ·

"battery seems to be discharging... Is that true?"

Yes, I would assume so. At least I do not find any 24h+ period where it wouldn't experience a discharge. As mentioned, the behavior started around 8./9. of May with the battery not being loaded to full anymore - and then gradually loading it less and less. I assumed this might be a "with battery life" gimmick, but as seen above, it gradually reduced the "charge/discharge dynamics" with somehow asymptotically approaching 85% SoC as target.

The LFP battery is new and fine, nothing in the battery voltage suggests a battery fault.

Firmware newest (1.16 on all MultiRS).

As for "expert settings": The system is about 320km away from me, so VRM, Remote Console is all I have got. I'm afraid my bluetooth will not have that range.


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Alex Pescaru avatar image Alex Pescaru petajoule commented ·

You can connect with VictronConnect into the MultiRS, through internet.

Just use, on the main page, the VRM tab, not the Local one.

Then Sign in to VRM and in the new internet explorer page opened, Authorize VictronConnect.

Then you will see the Cerbo there, in the VRM tab. Click on it and you are logged in as if you were there.

It starts on the Overview tab, but you will select the Devices tab and there you'll find the Multi RS.

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petajoule avatar image petajoule Alex Pescaru commented ·

Thanks, that went well. I needed to enable two-way communication and restart VictronConnect.

The re-bulk voltage offset was at some 2.8V, which seems quite a lot (battery would need to fall to 51.2 which it hasn't for a long time and probably wouldn't.

So I set it to 0.5V and am now trying to get the battery voltage below that treshold. Will report if that was it. 2.8V - is that default setting?

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Alex Pescaru avatar image Alex Pescaru petajoule commented ·

I have it at 0.5V, but I am also wondering... If you are using LFP, it doesn't have a BMS?

That BMS should tell when to charge, with which voltage and which current...

And then you should not have that kind of evolution / behavior.

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petajoule avatar image petajoule Alex Pescaru commented ·
Well, first off: the change did help. After falling below 53.5V the system resumed the usual Bulk, Absorption, Float cycle.

As for the BMS, sure there is one, but there is no communication with the Victron system except LVP/OVP signalling (which under normal conditions never happens). The main job of this BMS is active DC/DC balancing of the cells.

BTW - I doubt *any* BMS tells the charger with which voltage to charge.

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Alex Pescaru avatar image Alex Pescaru petajoule commented ·

I may be wrong but the Pylontech BMS is telling to outside world (chargers) the voltage and current for charging.

It's available as broadcast information on the CAN bus, at ID 0x351.

Also, the Victron is collecting this information and it's using it.


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petajoule avatar image
petajoule answered ·

It seems the system is stuck - for whatever reason - in storage mode. Which I can't turn off (at least I do not know how, with VEConfigure I would know...)

Firmware on the MultiRSs is 1.16 My current course of action is to turn off AC-In and force battery discharge so the system might decide to do a bulk charge again, but honestly no idea why it decided to remain in "storage mode".

"Have you tried to turn it off an on again", will be my next try but I would like to avoid this outage if possible. Wasn't aware that new Victron devices have Windows OS firmware. ;-)

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