
pfuhu avatar image
pfuhu asked

Energy meter on AC PV inverter necessary for dynamic ESS?


I currently have a Multiplus II GX with a battery. I also have a PV inverter, but this is AC-connected to the AC-input of the Multiplus (older inverter). No PV directly connected to the Multiplus.

I also have a grid meter.

I wanted to start using the Dynamic ESS, but I notice this does not work well in my current setup, since the GX has no idea of the solar power that is generated (it doesn't even know I have PV and also impossible to make predictions of solar output).

Is it correct that if I install an energy meter on the AC PV inverter, the GX can now register the solar output (and make predictions) so the Dynamic ESS will work properly?


Multiplus-IIEnergy Meterdynamic ess
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3 Answers
Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

Short answer: yes :)

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pfuhu avatar image
pfuhu answered ·

And so I can assume that in that case it will also correctly calculate the correct AC consumption (taking the PV power in count) since it then knows all values to calculate this?

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Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

Yes, it will, its never 100% accurate but the more info the better result

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