
exteriamodus avatar image
exteriamodus asked

Remote DC water system with monitoring

Good day,

I have a 24v solar power system and would like to include a tank monitoring feature. Thinking of using the cerbo (and LTE-4g) with the tank140 and a Safiery STAR-tank radar sensor. The system will use a 24vDC water pump and ultimately I would like to be able to monitor the tank level remotely as well as have the pump wired in such a way that a low tank level will switch the pump off and prevent dry running. Would anybody have any wiring diagrams of how to achieve this in a 24v system?

tank monitor
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1 Answer
Alistair Warburton avatar image
Alistair Warburton answered ·

Someone is going to call me out in a bit... I have said Node Red, on a Cerbo so may times today but I suspect that is your answer.

There are two output relays so pump control is simple, you would need to buffer the Cerbo relay with a bigger one, simple to do.

Node red would also monitor whatever tank sensors you connect and report on battery voltage whilst doing literally anything else you want/need, including a low level switch as backup to the analogue sensor.

You get to see all that from within VRM, or a node red dashboard via VRM and can even reprogram it remotely if needs be.

The switch is 2 wires... The pump more like 6 and a couple of fuses.

Happy to help with detail if it help you.

I don't know what the policy here, and I wasn't planning on putting my number out in the wild, but happy to show you my system if there is safe way to do that.

I cant se a DM option so if you wanted to talk we would have to use another board that supports that... Let me know if I can help.

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exteriamodus avatar image exteriamodus commented ·
Thanks Alistair, would it be possible to attach a wiring diagram to start with? keeping in mind the system is 24v so not sure if that affects anything.

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