
gagan-ranatunga avatar image
gagan-ranatunga asked

Victron Quattro 15kw high Voltage Alarm and Internal Failure


I have installed a victron 15kw quattro with 6x us3000C pylontech batteries and when it goes to 100% it gives out a high voltage alarm and internal failure error and trips the whole system. Please let me know how to fix this I have tried everything


MultiPlus Quattro Inverter ChargerPylontech
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2 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

The alarm is coming from the battery monitor (should be the Pylontech) not from the Quattro.

Under advanced you can enable diagrams for the battery voltage/current, min/max cell voltage and charge/discharge limits from the battery.

If it is the very first time charging to 100% you should do that with a small current to give the battery time to balance the cells.

Did you install the system according to the instructions?:

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gagan-ranatunga avatar image
gagan-ranatunga answered ·

HI Mathias,

Yes I followed all the instructions, but it is still pumping up the voltage to 53V which shuts down the battery bms and cause the victron to shut down, I have limited the voltage to 52v on DVCC and tried doing it on VECONFIG aswell but no Luck, any comment on how to fix this?

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