
smzz avatar image
smzz asked

EV charger NS reports

Hi everyone,

I've recently purchased and installed a Victron EV charger NS as a standalone grid connected unit. Setup is done and charging is working fine.

I'm just wondering if there is any way of extracting charging session information from the unit. I've checked out Victron VRM but I can't seem to find any way of adding this unit.


ev charging station
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Hi, next VRM update will add the reports
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Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·



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15 Answers
smzz avatar image
smzz answered ·

Salutare Lucian, mulțumesc pentru răspuns.

This new update will bring the possibility to add EVCS to the VRM website?

Also, any estimation on when this will be deployed?

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Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

What do you mean by adding EVCS to VRM?

Estimation - not sure, I'll have to check tomorrow

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smzz avatar image
smzz answered ·

Currently when I access the VRM website there is no option to add the EV charger. Am I missing something?

What I'm trying to understand is where the charging data will be available to view after the update.

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Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·
You need a GX device, that's the communication device
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smzz avatar image
smzz answered ·

I understand now.

This is extremely disappointing as other chargers offer this with no add-on devices. Plus the fact that this unit requires an expensive type B RCD on the supply side makes it a not very competitive product.

Maybe consider adding an option for reporting without the need of extra hardware for only grid connected installations like my own.

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If you don't want to buy the GX, you can install the Venus OS on a Raspberry Pi -

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falkon avatar image
falkon answered ·

I would like to support the idea of upgrading the firmware of the EVCS such that it would be able to connects to the VRM portal also in a stand-alone mode (i. e., without a GX device).

From the technical point of view, everything needed should be already inside EVCS (WiFi internet connectivity, TCP/IP, HTTP(s) protocol, modbus,...),so I believe that direct connection to the VRM should be (easily) feasible.

This would make this product even greater! :-)

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It is possible, but not on our priority list now. And with the next EVCS generation, that will be prepared for V2G, the GX is becoming even more important, because it will take care of the V2G communication.
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falkon avatar image falkon Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·
Interesting, thanks for the info!

Out of the curiosity - will the current EVCS NS be also able to be upgraded to support V2H/V2G?
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Not the current version, but we will have a V2 for both screen an NS version

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freequader avatar image
freequader answered ·

De plus que même avec un cerbo GX vous ne pouvez pas faire fonctionner en mode Automatisé !! Il faut absolument tout un système ESS

Je suis pas content car on m'a vendu un appareil qui fonctionne au surplus solaire mais en fait il faut tout un systeme pour que cela fonctionne

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No, that's not true! You can use it in Auto mode with only a Cerbo and a meter.

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freequader avatar image freequader Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·
J'aimerais connaître la solution car ma station indique SOC Low alors que je n'ai pas de
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freequader avatar image freequader Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·


J'aimerais connaitre la solution car j'ai un compteur ET314 + Cerbo GX et pourtant en mode auto elle m'indique SOC LOW

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We have a feature that emulates a virtual battery, so It's not saying low soc anymore. It is enabled now on your system. Please write in EN if you have any other questions, it's easier for other users to follow the discussions. image-5.png

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kelomat avatar image kelomat Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·

How can I activate this function?

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If you wait few days, it will be available on the web interface in firmware 1.29. If not, you can do it with nodered, or any other modbus tcp tool
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freequader avatar image
freequader answered ·

bonjour et merci pour la rapidité, mais j'ai l'impression que ça ne marche pas

capture d'écran-20240616-092408-comandroidchrome.jpg

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It should work, but more pv power is needed. Now I see that you are consuming more than PV production.

I also saw that your vehicle is reported as being charged. On some vehicles, the computer responsible for communication with the charger, goes to sleep after a wile if the cable is connected but not charging. And if the EVCS is trying to start charging, but the vehicle is not doing that, you will see the “charged” state. To test now, please try to re-plug the charging cable


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Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Now it works, but the PV production is way lower than the minimum charging power

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freequader avatar image freequader commented ·
En effet, mon véhicule se met rapidement en veille et c'est un problème lorsque je suis en mode programmation, mais si j'éteins et rallume la station, elle réveille le véhicule et enfin se charge. N'y a-t-il pas une option pour faire cela ?
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freequader avatar image freequader commented ·

Indeed, my vehicle goes to sleep quickly and that's a problem when I'm in programming mode, but if I turn the station off and on again, it wakes the vehicle and finally charges. Isn't there an option to do this?

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freequader avatar image
freequader answered ·

Great, I saw live that it worked. How much power is needed for charging to start? Because at 7 AMP it only takes 1.6kw. Moreover, the power indicated on the EV station is not correct below 10amp

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As long as the system is exporting power, it will start. After that, if it's consuming from the grid, it will stop after the delay defined in the EVCS setting menu/general, Battery/grid power timeout(min). The default is 30 min.

The measured value can be wrong if the power factor of the vehicle charger is not 1. There is a calibration menu if you check the settings.

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Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·

And if you are technical, and you want to fine-tune the EVCS for your needs, there are lots of parameters that can be configured over ModbusTCP. Take a look here -

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freequader avatar image freequader Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·

how to access this menu? Do you need a special code?

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freequader avatar image freequader Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·

I realize that we can switch to single phase automatically? I really wish this function worked.

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freequader avatar image
freequader answered ·

J'ai déjà étaloné a 0.9 mais en dessous de 10 AMP cela ne correspondra pas et inversement au dessus. Par contre j'ai de la production ( -2kw sur le compteur ) et elle ne démarre pas . J'ai également paramétré à 5 minutes le temps de charge réseau. img-20240616-102801.jpg

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As I said above, probably the power factor of the vehicle is not constant.

There are some delays for start and stop, to prevent it to restart very often. Look at the document above and if you want, you can modify them. This is not features that we are supporting, we have them, you can use them, but is not what the EVCS was designed for.

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freequader avatar image
freequader answered ·
I have already calibrated at 0.9 but below 10 AMP it will not correspond and vice versa above. On the other hand, I have production (-2kw on the meter) and it does not start. I also set the network load time to 5 minutes.
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Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

I see that is starts and stops as it should. Yes, it’s visible that you changed the time to 5 min.

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freequader avatar image
freequader answered ·

Cela fonctionne réellement. Merci beaucoup je commençais à désespérer

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Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

:) I'm glad !

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