
Daniel Tamm avatar image
Daniel Tamm asked

Mystical short power failures on Multiplus 12/800/35-16

I've had a Multiplus for a UPS for my servers working like a charm for years. About a week ago it suddenly had a short power interruption for no apparent reason which caused the servers to stop. I thought is was a one time occurrence, so I started up everything.
Now it happened again. When it happens I have a spike in voltage on the battery.
This is really weird but I can't have an UPS that has power interruptions. What do you think, can it be the battery or do I need to get a new Multiplus?

Anyone experienced something like this?


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Daniel Tamm avatar image Daniel Tamm commented ·
My wife now tells me that there is a solar storm going on and it was particularly severe last night. Our internet at home broke down shortly about the same time yesterday as well. It could be related. Anyone who has experience with this?
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4 Answers
Daniel Tamm avatar image
Daniel Tamm answered ·

Happened again this morning. Third time in May. Has never happened before. A lot of solar activity they say, but it could be just anything.


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Daniel Tamm avatar image
Daniel Tamm answered ·


Happened again today (AC-out power loss). 4th time. It's definitely visible on the graphing.

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egen avatar image
egen answered ·

Solar activity cannot affect the operation of the Multiplus.
If solar activity affects the Multiplus, then the Multiplus is faulty.
I serve the customs server and have never had any problems due to solar activity.
I service the server customs office, the MGE Evolution power supply, and there have never been any problems due to solar activity.
The building is 2 floors, server room on the 1st floor.

I have a question about your Multiplus.
I want to buy the same one for home.
What is needed to program Multiplus for different types of batteries?
I read that a password is required for programming.
Where can I get this password?
Is it so?
What programming adapter are you using?
Thank you!

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Daniel Tamm avatar image
Daniel Tamm answered ·

I've now replaced the Multiplus and weirdly enough I still get this mystical power failure.
I've also removed the biggest load to see if that was interfering. That load/server didn't restart but all the remaining servers behind the Multiplus did. This is really strange. I've run this setup for almost 5 years without any problem and now I get these periodic intermittant power failures. Next steps I would guess is to replace the Venus GX and the battery.


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pwfarnell avatar image pwfarnell commented ·

Check all your wiring, fuses, breakers just in case there is something loose causing a restart and the voltage jump is the inverter going to absorption for a short period on restart but with full batteries soon returns to float.

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