
tabet avatar image
tabet asked

Quattro with Kako AC coupled

hello guys i have a question i have an AC coupled system that have quattro with a pv inverter that is not compatible with victron i have a plc system that is taking care of everything victron and pv inverter and everything the main question what should i use ess or PV inverter as an assistant ? NOTE i dont have an energy meter for victron.

is it safe to work without an energy meter ? cz my plc is taking care of everything and victron is showing the pv inverter as a load

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter ChargerAC PV Coupling
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1 Answer
Michelle Konzack avatar image
Michelle Konzack answered ·

If the GTI is not compatible with Victron, hence does not support fequency shifting, the only way is to use a ACin coupled system and an energy meter

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tabet avatar image tabet commented ·
so i cannot opperate without energy meter and keep victron working without is and see the GTI power as a negative load?
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