
semlohnhoj avatar image
semlohnhoj asked

Setting ESS Mode on one Multi RS Solar also sets the ESS settings on the other!

I have a system with a Cerbo GX and 2 Multi RS Solar units (1 Single tracker, 1 Dual tracker).

I thought I was going mad to begin with but when I change the ESS settings via the VictronConnect app on one of the units I noticed that the other units setting also change to match?!

I'm assuming this is either the two units talking to each other or the Cerbo doing something?

I also get an issue where occasionally when I go to the ESS settings in the Single tracker Multi, they are blank, as in No "ESS mode" and No "Minimum Discharge SOC"?

If that isn't weird enough, about a month ago, the physical display on the single tracker multi went blank when I plugged in the CAN bus cable to the unit. This may be unrelated however I'm not ruling anything out at the moment.

Are these issues related to the upcoming parallel support in some way in that they are talking to each other over the CAN bus? And in th case of the occasional blank settings somehow corrupting each other?

Any help would be appreciated.

Multi RSess settings
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2 Answers
Alex Pescaru avatar image
Alex Pescaru answered ·

Hi @Semlohnhoj

Are the two Multi RSes having different NADs ?

Check them on Remote Console - Settings - Services - VE.CAN port - Devices.

You should see there both of them and enter each of them and verify the Network Address.


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semlohnhoj avatar image semlohnhoj commented ·

One is in 66 (0x42), the other is on 67 (0x43).

I'm sure they were the other way around until I had the ve.can cables unplugged recently. I only know this because I address them directly in NodeRed and had to change my code to correct that issue?!

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Alex Pescaru avatar image
Alex Pescaru answered ·

Are you accessing them with VC over bluetooth (locally) or through VRM (internet) ?

Because if you access them locally, then this is really strange because the access is done point to point.

But if you access them through VRM, then this is passing through Cerbo and maybe there is a bug there in the software, because Cerbo will pass the values over CAN and the dialog through CAN must correctly set the CAN IDs to specify the addressed device.


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semlohnhoj avatar image semlohnhoj commented ·
I'm doing this using VC through the VRM over the internet.

I will try it locally over Bluetooth tomorrow to see if the same happens.

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semlohnhoj avatar image semlohnhoj commented ·
Well, I tried it this morning via Bluetooth and the same happens. Settings set on one get copied to the other and vica verse.

I also noticed that the 5% Minimum discharge SOC I'd set yesterday on the Single tracker Multi RS had gone blank this morning?!

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Alex Pescaru avatar image Alex Pescaru semlohnhoj commented ·

Then maybe this is an intended behavior, for when you have them in triphasic configuration or on the future parallel implementation...

Maybe someone from Victron can shed some light on this...

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Related Resources

Mutli RS Solar Datasheet

Mutli RS Manual

Additional resources still need to be added for this topic