
glen-stewart avatar image
glen-stewart asked

Cerbo GX error: VRM Portal ID could not be found

I am attempting to add a Cerbo GX installation to my company VRM account, and getting an error message "The installation with the specified VRM Portal ID or IMEI could not be found." Verified on-site the device IS in communication (using a Victron LTE modem), the firmware on all devices is the latest version, and the VRM Portal ID on the remote console matches the sticker on the side of the unit. Tried to add both thru our VRM account as well as the device. I manage the VRM for my company with over 30 installations, and this is the first I have seen this issue. Any suggestions?


cerbo gx
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1 Answer
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

"Last contact ---"

So it never had a connection to the VRM portal.

Verify that you have working internet connection.

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glen-stewart avatar image glen-stewart commented ·
Thank you. This unit was on the VRM previously and in attempting to repair, deleted the installation and reloaded firmware on the GX device. On the menu under the LTE modem shows ONLINE and 4G connection.
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ross-lovell avatar image ross-lovell glen-stewart commented ·

I am having a similar issue, but my GX can contact VRM but I can't add it. Did you find a solution?

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jl-281 avatar image jl-281 glen-stewart commented ·
I received this error message after deleting my installation in VRM and then trying to add a new one. I eventually fixed it by changing the setting in the Cerbo GX to enable logging. I believe that VRM has to receive data from the Cerbo GX before it can create an installation. Hope this helps.
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