
GRIGORIU avatar image

Remote ( by VRM) setings control of the RS Multi RS Solar relay

Hi ,

I have a "naive newbie" question. I would like to change the control of the Multi RS solar 6000 switch remotely through VRM and I do not find how.

I can do it locally with victron connect but not from the net.

Can someone give some advice ?

Thaks in advance

Multi RS
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1 Answer
ejrossouw avatar image
ejrossouw answered ·

@GRIGORIU You have to enable realtime updates and inverter charger control under settings in VRM to show the controls on the dashboard. It shows at the right hand top as two switches. You can only control the relays of the GX device and not the Multi.

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GRIGORIU avatar image GRIGORIU commented ·


Thanks. I enable firmware update with check and install But I do not see inverter charger control ( it is automatically set to external control since I use pylontech's) Or maybe I am wrong with the settings ? Can you provide an image or a menu by submenu path ?

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ejrossouw avatar image ejrossouw GRIGORIU commented ·

Log on to the VRM portal. Choose menu option Settings>General>


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GRIGORIU avatar image GRIGORIU ejrossouw commented ·
Ok Thanks !

Indeed it is there. I was looking in the remote console.

But can you change remotely the rules for activating/disabling the switch ?

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ejrossouw avatar image ejrossouw GRIGORIU commented ·

You can from the rconsole under settings>relay


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GRIGORIU avatar image GRIGORIU ejrossouw commented ·
Ok but these are the relays on the Cerbo not on the Multi RS no?

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GRIGORIU avatar image GRIGORIU GRIGORIU commented ·
Found it in the docs = Non controlable : will come in the future !

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ejrossouw avatar image ejrossouw GRIGORIU commented ·

As per my original answer ;) "You can only control the relays of the GX device and not the Multi."

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