
dylan-hyslop avatar image
dylan-hyslop asked

Adding an String inverter to my setup

Good day all,

I find the low voltages and lack of panel optimizers quite limiting in my Victron install. As a result, I would like to install an AC coupled pv string inverter after my victrons on the critical load side.

However all the reading I am doing talks about frequency shifting, which to my knowledge only works in off-grid mode, I am not off-grid but rather running ESS.

How do I go about adding a pv inverter with the grid functionality?

AC PV Coupling
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1 Answer
Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

Frequency shifting also works in ESS, in some countries its illegal if it doesnt do that

Pv on critical loads is fine, just keep sure you follow the 1:1 rule

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dylan-hyslop avatar image dylan-hyslop commented ·
How would it frequency shift when its in theory still connected to the Grid?

The grid will be planted at 50.0hz ?

Also how does the monitoring portal then work? It will need to read some production value out of the PV string inverter?

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Duivert NL avatar image Duivert NL dylan-hyslop commented ·

If your connected to grid, the frequency shift can be done by your grid provider, in some countries its illegal to use a inverter that cant

When grid connected, surplus can feedback to grid if your grid provider accepts that

If no grid feed, the multiplus 2 can control freq to stop or limit the grid inverter, but only on ac out of multiplus 2, not on ac in

a PV meter like the ET112 can measure the PV and pass data to system

Why do you want to go ac inverter route? DC is much more efficient with battery storage

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dylan-hyslop avatar image dylan-hyslop Duivert NL commented ·
So I find the dc mppts very cumbersome. They are large and clunky. Thier voltage input is very limiting, I have to run panels in pairs of 2 and then have lots of dc cables coming down into fuse boxes with many fuses, Its then got connections in and out. By the time the power hits the dc buss its been through like 8 potential points of failure.

Where as a nice Grid tie inverter has multiple mppts, nice high voltage input, I can tun 4 wires from the roof with 2 fuses straight into the inverter and you are done. makes everything so much easier and less points of failure.

it then will also add more ac power capacity to my system.

I currently have 2 x 5kw Mp2. I don't have space to add a 3rd. so if I add a 10kw grid tie, it will be cheaper than going victron, and I can then intheory in the day pump 20kw to my loads. Where as if I go dc mppts i can only push 10kw.

Also its only more efficient at charging the battery, Im sure a grid tie inverter is more efficient at converting pv into ac loads, such as geysers and heaters..

I am open to being convinced otherwise. But I am very much deep in the victron hole now and sort of wish I just went with a 16kw sunsync, It would have cost far less, It has all the mppts build in, much smaller and would have been 1/4 of the work to install..

So i guess I have 3 options:

1: add more dc mppts (re wire most of the solar room, as there is no more space for massive fuse box, and 4 or 5 dc mppts

2: Add a grid ties pv inverter (strings and inverter can live outside where there is more space

3: Pull out all the victron and sell it, and replace with a single 16kw unut that should do everything I need..

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