
lankysolar avatar image
lankysolar asked

Temperature sensor fault

Not a question - just a finding that might help others

I have an outside temp sensor, under cover, connected to a cerbo which worked well for a year. Two weeks ago it started swinging between about -38 and +44 degrees neither of which are typical UK temperatures. Tried disconnecting and rebooting etc. I finally cured it by removing the sensor and leaving it on top of a heating radiator for 24 hours.
I suspect that a small amount of moisture had ingressed the sensor (cappilliary action maybe?) and was bridging between the adjustment pin and the pos and neg to varying degrees over time. It's time on the radiator (at about +60 degrees) seems to have driven off this moisture.

Hope this helps.

Temperature Sensor
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1 Answer
lankysolar avatar image
lankysolar answered ·

Update, now been back in service for 10 days + and working perfectly. It's been wrapped in a layer of insulation tape to prevent a re-occurence.

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Related Resources

Victron temperature sensor disambiguation table - which product supports which sensor