
hannu avatar image
hannu asked

AC coupled fronius Distance restraint?

Good day

just a question is there a restraint in the distance between the fronius and output of a victron inverter? Meaning is there a maximum allowed distance that the machines can be apart? reason for asking is i have an existing fronius connected to a Sub DB and would like to install a victron and battery system at mains incoming which is 100M away

Any advice would be appreciated both systems will be connected to the same network

AC PV CouplingFronius
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2 Answers
Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

i dont think its a problem, if they can communicate it should be fine

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maa avatar image
maa answered ·


notre seule contrainte sera de respecter le jour sous-réseau ce qui signifie que vous ne pouvez pas faire de route (niveau 2 couche OSI), seul de commutation (niveau 3).

Bonne installation

Pour la mémoire


Your only constraint will be to respect the subnetwork day which means that you cannot do a route (level 2 OSI layer), only switching (level 3).

Good installation

For memory

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