
4711austria avatar image
4711austria asked

MPPT RS450/100 - Firmware "Feature" on DC coupled grid feed

3xMP2 5k ESS, Gobel Battery, Cerbo, RS450/100, DC coupled PV feed is activated

RS should bring all of the PV power into DC, MP should charge to AC the overload.

Normally it works fine, but sometime the RS stops charging, both Strings on 0W sits on -11W, stays there for up to 1h , ramps 30W up and down and then starts again powering DC with full PV power.

This is in my opionion not a normal behavior.



mppt rsrs450
img-8340.png (191.3 KiB)
img-8341.png (192.1 KiB)
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1 Answer
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

You have PV inverters on both AC in and out, perhaps detail these and how they are configured. We have a German speaking section, perhaps that may help you as well if you post there.

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4711austria avatar image 4711austria commented ·

Hi, it seams to be a DVCC/Voltage/SOC thing, the MPPT gets turned down from the system. Other people mention this also.

Is there a connection out of the forum / community to victron, that a tech would be involved?

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