
w8dev avatar image
w8dev asked

Lynx Shunt Missing?

Has anyone experienced where their configured Lynx shunt disappears from their devices list?

Yesterday I went to plug in an Orient Power battery into my Cerbo and when I did, the Lynx Shunt disappeared. I did originally plug the OP battery into the VE CAN network and nothing showed up till I moved the OP battery over to the VE BMS port.

The fuse isn't blown in the shunt and the light still shows green on the front of the shunt (but I'm assuming that's just a status light for the fuse). My 450/100 was daisy chained off the Lynx Shunt and it still was reporting data, but the shunt is just gone.

I've tried switching cables around so that the 450/100 is going direct to the cerbo (with a terminator in the other port) and the Lynx Shunt going direct to the cerbo (with a terminator in the extra port) and there's no change.

I was running the latest beta version of the GUI2 when all this happened. I downgraded to the latest stable release to see if that would make any difference (didn't have any hope that it would, but I was trying anything I could).

I've also rebooted the cerbo (and the entire environment) 3 different times to see if it would show up.

Any thoughts/ideas would be greatly appreciated.


screenshot-2024-04-15-at-094955.png screenshot-2024-04-15-at-094634.png screenshot-2024-04-15-at-094718.png screenshot-2024-04-15-at-094728.png screenshot-2024-04-15-at-095150.png

cerbo gxlynx shunt
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5 Answers
snoobler avatar image
snoobler answered ·

Hmmm... Did you try disconnecting the MPPT completely and having only terminator, shunt, cerbo, terminator?

It's my understanding that you can't have BMS and Victron VE.Can devices on the same VE.Can port due to protocol differences.

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w8dev avatar image w8dev commented ·
I did. I put a terminator on the cerbo, ran the cable to the shunt and had a terminator on the extra terminal of the shunt. No change.

It makes sense that you could have protocol conflicts, but I wouldn't have thought it would prevent the lynx shunt from ever showing up again.

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snoobler avatar image snoobler w8dev commented ·
I can only guess that some damage occurred, but I can't imagine how.

Your wording allows me to infer it, but to ask explicitly, have you completely disconnected the shunt from power/data?

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w8dev avatar image w8dev snoobler commented ·
Yes. I shut the entire system down and waited for all power to drain from capacitors. DC voltage was 0V.
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snoobler avatar image snoobler w8dev commented ·

Figured, but had to ask. I got nothing. Sorry to hear it.

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w8dev avatar image w8dev snoobler commented ·
Thanks. Was hoping I just completely overlooked something and I could feel really dumb that I missed it... :D

Waiting to hear back from vendor to see what they think.

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snoobler avatar image
snoobler answered ·

Discussion of what goes where:

Looks like if a BMS runs at 250kbps, it could coexist with Victron VE.Can devices on the VE.CAN port.

Certainly no cautions about damage potential from connecting a 500kpbs BMS with Victron 250kbps VE.Can devices.

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w8dev avatar image w8dev commented ·

Thanks, yeah the communication rate is the only real difference that I see between the two sets of ports. I can’t believe that a communication mismatch would cause the Lynx shunt to fail.

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wjf avatar image
wjf answered ·

Have you tried a different RJ45 cable?

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w8dev avatar image w8dev commented ·
Yea. I even tried moving the one from the 450/100 since I know that cable was still good. Didn’t change anything.
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w8dev avatar image
w8dev answered ·

So for some more details, I ended up moving the CAN cable from the 450/100 to the Lynx Shunt (since I knew that cable worked). I rebooted the Cerbo to clear all the CAN faults so I could see if any traffic was happening on the CAN network since the Lynx Shunt was the only connected device and here's what I see.


There does seem to be at least something on the network. Does anyone know of a way to actually see the traffic to figure out exactly what the warning/error is about?

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snoobler avatar image snoobler commented ·

I don't know about seeing the raw data, but when I was trying to extract some data not reported by VRM (BMS cell # high and low voltage), I enabled MQTT in Settings -> Services -> MQTT and MQTT Explorer to see everything that was being sent.

I could see the data I wanted, but I know nothing about MQTT to do anything with it.

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w8dev avatar image w8dev snoobler commented ·

Thanks, that's an interesting thought. I see a lot of data in the explorer (which is awesome) but nothing related specifically to a CAN error.


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w8dev avatar image
w8dev answered ·

Well, due to the information provided, Victron is going to warranty the Shunt and replace it. Still odd, but glad it's getting taken care of.

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