
kpvickys avatar image
kpvickys asked

How can I reset to access the remote console again ?

Hello. I changed the PIN on the smart solar MPPT and BMV712 and now I can't access 
the remote console with the password  I've always used there,  neither in VRM nor with 
 I have Multiplus 2 GX. I use Windows and navigate with VRM.   Have read the victron 
manuals, but they are so comprehensive that I get lost in everything as it does not 
specifically apply to the Multiplus2 GX.
The VRM works as usual except for the remote console. How to reset the remote console password?
Multiplus-IIremote console
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3 Answers
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Usual method is to use VictronConnect from your phone. It should find the GX card in the multiplus and give you a reset option when you select it. You'll need the multiplus serial number.

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kpvickys avatar image kpvickys commented ·
The GX card has never been in the device list 
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kpvickys avatar image kpvickys commented ·
I can't see the built-in GX device in the device list, never had it there. It makes it more complicated than that.
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John Mitchell avatar image John Mitchell kpvickys commented ·
I don't know if my problem is an incorrect PIN but it just stalls as soon as I enter the PIN and try to connect via bluetooth - spinning wheel @ 80%. I get no option to reset the PIN. It's a Multiplus ii gx so how do you reset the PIN when there is no option to do so? It seems like a catch 22 - to reset the PIN you need to connect to the app. To connect using VictronConnect you need the PIN.
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Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


Will a simple reboot not work?

If you set a password on the remote console and don't know it then you have to reset the GX to factory using a usb flash stick.

So you would have to download the OS version you want and use that. Instructions are here... After the firmware update instructions.

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kpvickys avatar image kpvickys commented ·
reboot didn't work.   

Would it help to reset the MPPT and BMV712 to 000000 again and leave the network they are connected to,

That's what caused me to not get into the remote console


I'm guess that it's the built-in GX that makes it not visible in the device list



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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ kpvickys commented ·

You should not have the bmv and mppt smart networked if they are wired to the GX.

I don't know how leaving a smart Bluetooth network would affect access to the remote console.

You will have to factory reset the GX to regain access to the remote console. It will remove the password set.

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kpvickys avatar image kpvickys Alexandra ♦ commented ·
I tried leaving the MPPT and BMV712 smart bloetoth network but they pop up as usual in the dvice list but the remote console still does not accept the password so it will probably be a reset of the multiplus2 GX at some point.
Thanks for the reply
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kev avatar image
kev answered ·

I’ve a Multiplus 2 GX which often can’t be seen via the Victron connect app Locally. It can be seen via VRM and if I reboot the GX software via the VRM remote console, the GX appears in the local device list on the connect app. A few days later, it will disappear again until I do another reset. Never had a problem with the colour GX on my other system. There must be a bug.

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