
portsample avatar image
portsample asked

Configuring assistant on two inverters in split phase configuration

I would like to configure an assistant using VEConfigure3 for my system which has two Multiplus II units configured in a split phase relationship. Thanks in advance.

VEConfigure 3Assistantssplit phase
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2 Answers
portsample avatar image
portsample answered ·

This worked. System comprised of (2) Multiplus II inverters operating in split phase configuration. Goal is to configure VEConfigure3 assistant(s) that will route excess solar energy into water tanks to store heat. Heater elements come on when SOC is above 98%, heaters go off when batteries fall below 95%. Steps are,

1.) Disconnect Cerbo GX network cable from Multiplus L1 (master)
2.) Connect laptop to Multiplus L1 via network cable using MK3 USB dongle. Note that L2 slave is connected to L1 via network cable.
3.) On laptop, open VE.Bus System Configure. Press [Auto detect ports]. Select L1 Multiplus inverter. Right click inverter icon, then select VEConfigure3 Multi to open.
4.) VEConfigure3 application should now be open.
5.) Go to Assistants tab select Assistant Configuration, then Add assistant, select Relay, select Programmable relay
6.) Press [Start assistant]. Press ">>". Select "Use ACOut 2 relay". Press ">>". Select "Set relay on".
7.) In switch conditions window select "State of Charge (internal battery monitor)". Press ">>". Press ">>" again. Select "Drive based in SOC".
8.) Set so that "when SOC [higher] than [98]%". Press ">>"
9.) That's that. Now add another assistant...back to step #3
10.) step #4 select "Set relay off"
11.) "Drive based in SOC" window set "when SOC is [lower] than [95]%", press ">>".
12.) That's it. Click [Send settings]
13.) Choose "modified settings", then under "Send where" choose "this device". Pressed OKAY.
14.) Go back to step #3 and select L2 Multiplus inverter. Repeat through step #13.

There may be other options for configuring this. Your mileage may vary. Good luck.

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Up to 8 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 190.8 MiB each and 286.6 MiB total.

Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·
2 |3000

Up to 8 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 190.8 MiB each and 286.6 MiB total.