
thomas-g avatar image
thomas-g asked

MPPT firmware v3.15 Charge errors - rolled back to V3.14

I updated my two 250/100 VeCan MPPTs last week from 3.14 to latest 3.15. Then they would never go to absorption (straight from Bulk to Float every day). It didn’t matter what they were set to for absorption (56v in my case) - but would hit 55.4v and go to float. I rolled back to v3.14 and now working perfectly again with bulk, absorption and float working with all same settings as before

So Victron, please fix this for the next firmware update.

MPPT SmartSolarfirmware update
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Hi @Thomas G,

Sorry for the delay in responding to this, I was not aware of it until now.

I have sent you an email for more information.

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2 Answers
gbradleyviper avatar image
gbradleyviper answered ·

Hello. I updated my 4 MPPT's to version 3.15 and now I am having problems and would like to revert back to 3.13. I got access to Victron Energy Professional Portal and down loaded the 2 .xup's. Now, i don't know how to install them. How did you install them?

Thanks for your time.

Guy Bradley

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majkl avatar image
majkl answered ·

Yes I encountered the same problem. I use 2x MPPT 250/70 and one MPPT 150/45. I had to go back to fw. 3.13 and now everything is fine again.

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Hi @Majkl

Are you still experiencing the same issues?

Could you please post a VRM url so I can pass it on to have a closer look?

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