
ebringas avatar image
ebringas asked

VRM total consumption incorrect after adding smart shunt


I have an installation in which the grid input has a ET112 meter set as grid meter (this is because I have n EV charger before the Multiplus II), then A battery with a smart shunt connected to the inverter, a PV inverter on AC out.

This smart shunt was added 2 days ago, since then the total consumption reported in VRM portal is incorrect because it is missing the battery consumption from the grid (I charge the battery during the night)

before the smart shunt, the total consumption (white) and the grid from the meter (red) was the same, thus correct, now the calculation is is leaving out the consumption from the battery (blue), thus being always less that what is actually being consumed from the grid


vrm bug
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2 Answers
ebringas avatar image
ebringas answered ·

Someone from Victron support staff that can help with this?

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nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

Battery charging isn’t consumption. Only Ac loads and critical loads add up to that. Seems fine.

Battery usage is recorded as to/from battery.

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ebringas avatar image ebringas commented ·

The battery is charging from the grid! So, if you add up the grid reading minus total consumption you end up with missing part of what was consumed from the grid,

It is not consumption if you charge from solar but if the charge is from the grid, then of course it is consumption

Add in to this, before adding the smart shunt, the same battery but managed by the battery bms this was being account for in the total consumption, really what you said doesn’t make much sense in this case.

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ ebringas commented ·

Power to battery is not consumption (it is storage so not consumed yet) like to load from grid.

Before the system had no way of knowing where all the energy was going. Now it has another measurement.

If you look at the consumption drop down near the bottom the figures will show how energy is used in the system

Grid - loads direct - battery etc.

Then from battery you can also see consumption to loads.

And the same for solar.

PS. The guidlines of the forum state this is not an official ask Victron forum. While they do chip in from time to time here it is driven by volunteers mostly.

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