
arcus avatar image
arcus asked

Read SMA inverter values with Cerbo GX

Dear all,

I got a SMA Sunny Tripower 15000TL with a speedwire Web Connect module and want to see its values (actual power output and total enery) in the VRM portal. So I connected it to my CerboGX via ethernet cable.

The inverter has a static IP and I can reach/ping it by laptop, I can also confirgure it with the sunny explorer software. Speedwire, Modbus UDP and TCP are switched on.

Still the CerboGX doesnt find any PV inverter, neither in modbus settings nor in inverter settings.

What can I do to connect the inverter?

Thx a lot!

cerbo gx
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arcus avatar image arcus commented ·
Unit ID of the inverter is 1 - should it be different?
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5 Answers
matt1309 avatar image
matt1309 answered ·

Not got an answer but maybe some useful links.

Sounds like you already followed this:

There's some further details here that might help spot if your inverter is or isnt supported:

They mention Unit ID on this page but it's of the sunspec data.

If you have a list of registers from sma it may be worth comparing them against the register addresses you can see on the dbus-fronius page. As i beleive that's the code being run to integrate sma inverters into GX device.

You may be able to tweak and recompile the code to get it to work with a changed protocol, but ngl I find it hard to find everywhere that would be impact.

Might be better off writing something from scratch in python. Or even copying the carlo_galvazzi EM24 modbustcp code that's written in python and tweaking registers. If you can see what the modbus unit ID's and registers are.

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arcus avatar image arcus commented ·

Thank you for the reply.

I must admit that I am not that deep into programming modbus scripts, not at all :(

A list of registers can be found, there are quite a lot in the SMA inverter. I am only interested in very few. I assumed the GX adresses those automatically when a inverter is found.

I read the monitoring SMA inverter instruction and followed it. The only deviation I see might be the firmeware of my SMA inverter. It "should" be 02.81... or higher. I got a 2.50.

Bu there was only ever a 2.64 released for my inverter. On the other hand the SMA documentation says it is capable of Modbus TPC communication. And tbh I dont really want to upgarde the inverter firmware (never change a running system).

I still struggle at the first stage... the GX should regognize the inverter.

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matt1309 avatar image matt1309 arcus commented ·

Have you got a list of addresses? I can try make one.

If not et112 might be the solution. That's assuming it isn't supported

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arcus avatar image
arcus answered ·

30863 Aktuelle Generatorleistung, in W
30867 Leistung Netzeinspeisung, in W
30869 Leistung PV-Erzeugung, in W
30775 Wirkleistung über alle Außenleiter,

30777 Wirkleistung Außenleiter L1,
30779 Wirkleistung Außenleiter L2,
30781 Wirkleistung Außenleiter L3,

The first ones sound similar... I have no idead which one is the right or better one.

I bought this expencive web module from SMA... so I rather dont want to use an extra energy meter :(

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matt1309 avatar image
matt1309 answered ·

Hi @Arcus

I noticed in the release notes of venus os 3.14 that it notes " support for new SMA TriPower X PV-inverters"
Maybe worth upgrade to 3.14 or high if you've not already. See if that solves your problems.

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arcus avatar image
arcus answered ·

I currently run a 2.91v ... upgrading it didnt work, first I have to upgrade my MK3 components (the Multiplus accordingly). An error message appeared.

Thats weird, because thought I got the latest firmware of my MP2.

I will keep trying.

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matt1309 avatar image matt1309 commented ·
The cerbo firmware and inverter firmware are two different things.
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arcus avatar image arcus matt1309 commented ·
I know I know :)

But when I updated the firmware of my Cerbo it showed a failure message.

The connecttion to MK3 components (Multiplus2) was interrupted. I should update the components aswell.

So I went back to the V2.91 on the cerbo...Fortunately thats pretty easy.

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matt1309 avatar image matt1309 arcus commented ·
Ahh i see my mistake. Hopefully updating the system full resolves it.
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arcus avatar image
arcus answered ·

Just to close the question...
I asked for support at SMA, but got no reply...
IN the end I installed an additional EM540 energy meter behind my SMA inverter.

Its kinda pulg and play, was recognized immediately... now all is fine.

Thx for the support anyway.

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