
rulexi avatar image
rulexi asked

CERBO GX Relay 2 Problem/Function Check

Greetings, On my CERBO GX I am using Relay 1 for generator start-stop. Relay 2 is Temperature - fan. I installed a computer style fan ~1amp and it ran for around five minutes and it stopped. I can hear the relay inside the CERBO activate, however, via handheld meter no power to the fan. Is this a signal I cooked the output diodes for relay 2? Every other aspect of the CERBO seems to be fine.

Thank you.

cerbo gx
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2 Answers
Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

fan or power supply to fan defect? specs from cerbo relays are:

DC up to 30 VDC: 6 A

DC up to 70 VDC: 1 A

AC: 6 A, 125 VAC

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pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered ·

Put a multimeter set to ohms on the relay outputs between Common and NO and then common and NC when it is deactivated and then activated to see if the relay is still functioning. A small computer fan should not have overloaded the relay if set up and powered correctly.

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rulexi avatar image rulexi commented ·

Thank you, between the two replies, it is now working. Thank you gentlemen.

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