
ppaulo avatar image
ppaulo asked

Multi RS Solar 48/6000 ESS

i have a Multi RS Solar 48/6000 with pylontec batteries 4k PV and connection to the grid.

In the ESS option in the inverter setup i choose…


But if a choose this the priority for the power source is always the grid…and i would expect that PV would be priority and then grid and if no grid and pv then battery

Can someone help me

Multi RS
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8 Answers
Alex Pescaru avatar image
Alex Pescaru answered ·

Looks OK to me...

Up until 21:11, because there was no sun, the battery supplied the power, until the 95% was reached, moment when the grid took over, holding the batteries to not discharge further - some form of keep batteries charged.

Next morning, almost 12 hours later, probably because of various other DC loads or power assist, the batteries discharged further 3%, but sun is already up and, as priority, started to charge the battery.

If the battery had discharged further to 90%, (95-5) you would have seen the grid charging slowly back to 95%, because at night, no sun and grid is the single thing available. Some form of keep batteries charged, remember.

And then until afternoon the battery is charged back to 100% alright.

What is strange in your opinion?

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nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

ESS won't hold the battery at 95% exactly and it won't resort to grid for charging until the soc drops to under ~92%. There is always some "leakage" that will let the battery drift down and once PV is active it will recharge. That is the compromise for switching to optimised vs keep charged. Looks normal.

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Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


I found also the solar seems a bit lazy when keep batteries charged is selected.

I have switched to optimised with battery life and have the battery set to 95% in case of grid faliure. That keeps it working harder.

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ppaulo avatar image ppaulo commented ·
Thank for you answer alexandra, i will try that.

So like this you think that it will use always PV when sun is out and only adds grid power when PV is not enought or when there is no sun?

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Alex Pescaru avatar image Alex Pescaru ppaulo commented ·

Hi @PPaulo

Yes, Alex is right because the BatteryLife algorithm is using 5% increments in its logic and will use solar with priority to charge batteries up until the SOC is 5% more than the BatteryLife actual SOC. Then the solar will "loose" its priority. And as the set SOC is 95%, then the solar will loose priority at 100% SOC.

In fact any "Optimized ...." selection is using solar as priority. Just like SBU or SUB. In contrast, "Keep batteries charged" is like USB algorithm form competitors inverters, from where I believe you were used with the "priority" terminology... Right? :-)) Kidding.

(other) Alex :-))

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ppaulo avatar image
ppaulo answered ·

With option keep batteries charged…When i look at the user guide i would espect that PV as priority…then grid at night or to complement not enought PV and batterie power used only in case of lack of grid power. Also the bateries would be charged when less than 100% with whatever source available PV or Grid or both…

Am i see in this wrong

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Alex Pescaru avatar image Alex Pescaru commented ·

Use the settings Alexandra suggested.

You want batteries charged, so the 95%+5% hysteresis means batteries charged.

And the fact that you'll be using "Optimized..." guaranties that the solar will be the priority.

You just need to (re)familiarize with the Victron way of seeing things and terminology... :-))

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ppaulo avatar image
ppaulo answered ·

Thank you very much to you both

Just changed the configuration lets see the behavior fir a while



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ppaulo avatar image
ppaulo answered ·

The results after the change are strange….there is electricity in the house but these are the readings…do you have a clue




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ppaulo avatar image
ppaulo answered ·

Thank you very much for your answers

I totally understand and agree with what you saying but what i dont understand is the fact that i stopped seeing consumtions, i am sure that during the day there were AC loads requiring PV/Grid/batteries power but i dont see them currently feeding AC loads



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Alex Pescaru avatar image
Alex Pescaru answered ·

Ooops..... I didn't looked for that and didn't realized.

Indeed, strange...

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