
villychr avatar image
villychr asked

Boat AC ground: Multiplus II and ELCI

I'm mounting a Multiplus II 12V/3000 on my boat going to a new ELCI panel. The shore power inlet's ground currently connects (via galvanic isolator) to the AC ground panel. I'm connecting the shore power ground directly to the Multiplus, on to the ELCI panel and then to the AC ground panel. Will leaving in place the existing AC ground connection (from the galvanic isolator directly to the AC ground panel) mess up the ELCI function?

Multiplus-IIGroundingrcd tripping
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1 Answer
hjohnson avatar image
hjohnson answered ·

The ELCI doesn't care about the ground connection, per se. It only cares about a current imbalance between the hot and neutral wire.

However, I wouldn't wire it the way tha tyou have it described.

On our boat, we go shore-power inlet -> ELCI -> Multiplus -> AC Panel. The ELCI doesn't actually connect to the ground wire, and is effectively in parallel with our galvanic isolator. The Multiplus makes and breaks the bonding between neutral and ground depending on the situation.

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Related Resources

MultiPlus-II Product page 

MultiPlus-II Manual

Multiplus-II GX Online Manual

MultiPlus-II 230V Datasheet 

VE.Bus Error codes

Ground, earth and electrical safety

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