
ppaulo avatar image
ppaulo asked

Multi RS Solar 48/6000 Can work without batteries attached?

I have a Multi RS Solar 48/6000 inverter with 4 pylontec batteries off-grid, but now i want to remove the batteries from this installation to another and i would like to connect to the grid so the grid can complement or replace the PV energy during the night for example, meaning that if during the day the user would be consuming 2kw and the PV was capturing only 1kw, the grid would supply the remaining 1kw. Is this possible?

Multi RS
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3 Answers
ppaulo avatar image
ppaulo answered ·

Thanks a lot Alex very helpfull

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nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

No victron system is designed nor supported without batteries.

A simple search would show this answer, numerous times.

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ppaulo avatar image ppaulo commented ·

Thank you for your answer. I found it strange that victron doesnt have a inverter where the imput energy is from the PV+Grid, but its what it is, i am not an expert.

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Alex Pescaru avatar image
Alex Pescaru answered ·

In your, particular case, I would try putting a very small 48V battery and configure the system as "Keep the batteries charged". As long as you'll have grid, this will work, because utility grid failure is then the only time battery power will be used

By small batteries I mean, for example 4 x 12V/5A VRLA gel batteries. It's a cheap solution and this way you'll also comply with Victron recommendations.

But beware that any grid failure will mean a load drop, even if the batteries could supply over 1kW power for a short period of time.

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ppaulo avatar image ppaulo commented ·

Yes thats exactly what i was thinking, if it cannot work only with PV+Grid then i put a battery just for that scenario of grid power failure. More on a UPS style.

Any other battery advice different from the iens you sugested?

Thank you very much for your answer also.

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Alex Pescaru avatar image Alex Pescaru ppaulo commented ·

Any small batteries used in UPSes.

Take a look here:

Just don't forget to modify accordingly the battery settings of the Multi RS.

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ppaulo avatar image ppaulo Alex Pescaru commented ·
Thanks a lot Alex very helpfull
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