
christophe-c avatar image
christophe-c asked

Borne EV plantage mise à jour Firware

Bonjour ,

J'installe une borne EV que j'ai installé et configuré avec succès

Cependant après l'installation la borne à procéder à une mise à jour qui s'est bloqué lors de l'écriture en mémoire . Aprés un redémarrage la borne , bien entendu ne démarre plus en indiquant 'Sustem data error!" . Y a t'il quelquechose à faire pour quelle redémarre ?


ev charging station
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Push the firmware again into the device and wait until the update is performed. Remember, the unit is updating the MCU first and then the screen. So wait until the screen is updated.

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2 Answers
christophe-c avatar image
christophe-c answered ·

Hi Lucian,

Thank you for your return but the charger is unreachable due to the fact is not able to reboot (refer the image in joint file)

Does it exist an emergecy recovery procedure?

Thank you


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Only the screen is not working, everything else should work. Check the webpage of the device, should be accessible.

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christophe-c avatar image
christophe-c answered ·

hello Lucian

I succeeded in reaching the charger and make sure to update the firmware

But the message remains on the screen and the light ring is off.

During the initial problem , the following message was displayed on the screen 'usart update .....' but the data transfert was freezed during the process.

I got it again today after the firmware update but it was also freeze

I updated the firmware to that version EVCS_Main_FW_OTA_V01.27_C025.

i put in join file an overview of the charger in my system

have you an idea ?

is there a way to avoid that kind a update (message usart update) or is it link to the firmware update ?

Thank you for your support


ev-charger.png (203.3 KiB)
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Up to 8 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 190.8 MiB each and 286.6 MiB total.

Morning, please check your emal
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