
groningen avatar image
groningen asked

Quattro Temp sensor (T-Sence) - Only plug and play or should it be activated

An old install (10+ years), I have connected recently the temp probe via T-Sence in the Quattro.

Is it a plug and play only, or should I do some configuration in the CCGX?

Temperature Sensor
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2 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


Plug and play.

It will show battery temperature under the inverter in device list.

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groningen avatar image
groningen answered ·


Thank you for the reply.

Ok, should I do also a "calibration" on the Quattro (the same as I did on the Multi earlier today i.e. Superuser)?

Also, this would mean that the quattro will use this temp value during the charge cycle?

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·


In the inverter itself (since it was designed for there) no there doesn't need to be a calibration.

I still check though.

It is used for temp compensated charging in lead acid systems and low cut off for lithium.

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groningen avatar image groningen Alexandra ♦ commented ·

Ok, thank you very much and thanks for the support, much appreciated.

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Related Resources

Victron temperature sensor disambiguation table - which product supports which sensor