
sub0 avatar image
sub0 asked

A button to turn the inverter on/off?

Prior to the Cerbo GX being installed I could turn the Quattro inverter on and off with a physical switch on the Digital Multi Control. It was very simple.

Now that the Digital Multi Control has been replaced with the Cerbo GX (the installer said I couldn't use both, is that correct?) turning the inverter on or off requires me to perform eight (8!) steps on the Cerbo GX panel.

1. Tap the screen to wake it up

2. Tap the green System field to bring up the menu

3. Tap menu

4. Tap Quattro inverter/charger

5. Tap switch

6. Turn off or on

7. Tap X to exit

8. Tap Pages to get back where I started

Is there a simpler way?

cerbo gx
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3 Answers
pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered ·

You could enable the "boat & motorhome overview" which is an extra page on the GX display which has buttons to change the inverter mode and the AC input current limit. You may not have a boat or motorhome and a lot of the info may not be populated but it gets you to the inverter settings pdq. You get to this page from the other pages by swiping left / right.

You get this view by going to Menu > Settings > display and language and enabling the "Show boat & motorhome overview" option.


motorhome.jpg (53.3 KiB)
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ejrossouw avatar image
ejrossouw answered ·

@sub0 You can wire a remote switch as per the manual or wait for the new gui from where it it accessible from all screen :)

httpswwwvictronenergycomuploaddocumentsmanual-quat.png venus-gui-v2.png

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sub0 avatar image
sub0 answered ·

Thanks for your suggestions. The "boat & motorhome overview" provides what I need.

Wiring in a switch will be a future project.


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