
Dosheimer avatar image
Dosheimer asked

ffmpeg on VenusOS possible?

on my boat I have a Raspberry Pi 4 (Modell B, 4GB Rev 1.2) with a 128GB Ultra SD card and running VenusOS v3.10.

Is there a chance to get ffmpeg running on VenusOS?

My usecase is that I have a webcam installed on my boatĀ“s mast producing a short video once a day for lines check etc. and transferring it to my webside via VPN. I am using a linux script in connection with webcam API commands and ffmpeg on a remote server, but due to often poor LTE connectivity I would like to first create and save the video on my boatĀ“s hardware and then to transfer the ready file to my remote server.

Of course I do not want to install a second raspi for this (energy and sailboat..).

Also I tried to automatically create the video on my webcams hardware first and then to pick it up from there. But this is getting to certain API limitations.

Someone has an idea?

Venus OS
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2 Answers
matt1309 avatar image
matt1309 answered Ā·


Never tested it but venus os is just linux so I imagine you can install it. If you're on raspi4 I'd have said it would just be a case of installing arm64 version of ffmpeg.

I couldnt see it in the opkg's package list but doesnt mean you couldnt download it directly and install it.

Maybe not one to test on a critical system but I imagine it's possible.

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Dosheimer avatar image
Dosheimer answered Ā·

The solution I am using meanwhile is a ffmpeg installation on the LET/wifi router which is runnying perfectly fine now....

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matt1309 avatar image matt1309 commented Ā·

The only other idea i can think of is maybe going the IP Cam route?

Let that handle the capture of the video feed, have it upload the time interval it's set to record to an FTP server running locally either your router or venus os.

Then either forward it on to "home" if IP cam doesnt support multiple servers or let the IP camera send directly if it supports multiple servers.

I imagine transferring a raw file is less intensive than capturing the video feed but sounds like your solution is working. I'm always on the side of if it's working dont touch it

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