
tslewis99 avatar image
tslewis99 asked

Remote Console navigation with touch input disabled

I have intentionally used a momentary shunt of digital input 2 to disable touch input on the screen attached to a Cerbo GX. When I connect through VRM via Remote Console I see this:


I can then click on this:


This will give me the menu screen which I can navigate using the hotkeys pad:


Now here is where I have the problem. How to I get back to the pages screen with touch input disabled. The only way I have been able to do it is to tunnel into the network and ssh to the Cerbo GX. Once connected, I can use dbus-spy to toggle touch input on and off. I am hoping there is some sort of hot key that eludes me that allows me to go back to pages. If there isn't a hotkey for that then maybe it is a feature that can be included in a future update.


cerbo gx
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1 Answer
Alex Pescaru avatar image
Alex Pescaru answered ·

"esc" key from the same hotkeys pad???

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