
ppr avatar image
ppr asked

Venus OS v3.20 new release

Just read the releaes notes of the new v3.20.
What are the wireguard tools for? possible to join the cerbo via proxy or tunnel? For security purpose? Or what is the idea behind? Somehow possible to enable the html 5 interface as a beta?
Thank you

cerbo gxVenus OSekrano gx
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2 Answers
mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image
mvader (Victron Energy) answered ·

Wireguard: for now thats only the kernel option. To allow you and other users do things like this:, without having to build the kernel or modules for it yourself

Html5 interface is always available at http://<ipaddress>/app

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Ps. Nice to know that they are actually being read! Its a lot of not so inspiring work to put them together ;o)
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ppr avatar image ppr mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·
Hi mvader

I highly appreciate your work!!! I am datacenter engineer and aside I am building victron systems. I love it. Reading the release notes due to my main profession is highly important. Thanks - and thanks for letting me know about wireguard.

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charcast avatar image charcast commented ·

Can the http://<ipaddress>/app UI be accessed by the GX Touch device?

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ charcast commented ·
no. that would require a web browser, which there is not. And we did some proof of concept work on that a long time ago, and conclusion was that it was too slow/sluggish to the user.
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Fideri avatar image Fideri commented ·
@mvader (Victron Energy)

The link in your post is broken. Can you post the current link?


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ppr avatar image
ppr answered ·

mvader, Am I allowed to ask - feature request for Venus OS - where can that be brought in?
Thank you

1 comment
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Hi, here on community.

Or if you’re a large commercial customer, via distributor/sales manager.

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