
4711austria avatar image
4711austria asked

Battery Aggregator - change the port?


I do have a Gobel PC200 connected via VE.Can Typ A wire on RS485 to VE.Can BMS on the Cerbo, the data of the battery is shown.

Without cell voltages!

I would like to open a second connection to the battery, rs232 - usb adapter from Gobel, to show the cell voltages.

Would there be a change that this is going to work?


cerbo gx
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3 Answers
Al avatar image
Al answered ·

I don't know if it's Gobel or the connection cable or Venus that doesn't show individual cell voltages, I think some BMS's don't natively give Venus individual cell data, Pylontech doesn't, just the highest and lowest cells. When I had cheap RS485>USB adaptors for my JK BMS's to Cerbo sometimes interference stopped the individual cell data being displayed.

I now use isolated Waveshare adaptors and with a battery aggregator which works well and I can see all individual cells in Venus, but that is more useful for people like me without a CAN connection for the BMS, I don't know if the newer JK Inverter BMS shows individual cells on canbus? Maybe it's normal not to see it for Gobel / Pace etc without a mod for Venus?

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4711austria avatar image 4711austria commented ·


I think the standard Can BMS connection does not support cell voltage, this is what I think I heard. But I only can tell about my system, it does not, only high and lowest.


the Aggregator shows the same information as my Can BMS connection to the Battery


it uses the DBUS infos, I think it reads just that, what the BMS from Gobel sent over Can to Venus OS

is it possible to change the communication way, normaly it should connect over RS485, I would like to read out via RS232


or should I disconnect the gobel communication and only use the aggregator?

but there will be of course a problem, I have two Gobel batteries, that are connected together and then to Cerbo via RS485

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Al avatar image
Al answered ·

I don't know what options you have for communication with the GobePower PC200, but I also use Battery Aggregator by Pulquero and it only shows min and max cells.

Can you use bluetooth or PC to see individual cells?

If the PC200 also has a TTL/RS485 output then it's possible it could work with the Dbus-serial driver, or one of the other Github projects and show individual cells for each BMS, this is how it works for me, but they are not available for advanced widgets in VRM, only min/max.


You may need to make a request for them to add support for the PC200 to the Dbus-serial Github, if they even can.

There are also a few other esp32 based projects which may work, but tbh, your CAN connection is probably more stable and much simpler to set up than any other method, maybe you have to live without individual cell data on Venus, unless it's available on CAN and Victron can implement it!?

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4711austria avatar image
4711austria answered ·

the serial battery does not work on Pace BMS (Gobel BMS), I just got the answer

Gobel themselfe told me to read through raspi and rs232, that does not effect the RS485 CAN communitcation to Cerbo. OK but how? the Cerbo is about a raspi, so maybe there would be a driver to be installed and present the data via mqtt or something, or maybe not.

still searching to find a way to get cell voltages.

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Fideri avatar image Fideri commented ·


I think the Cerbo by default shows only the values of the highest and lowest cells.

I don't know about Gobel but many Pace BMS batteries use PBMS Tools software connected to a PC via RS232 (never CAN) to see all cell voltages.

This works for me but then I have BSL batteries which also use Pace.


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4711austria avatar image 4711austria Fideri commented ·
Is it a Windows sw?

Gobel provides a Wn sw, but I need the valies in my ioBroker system

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Fideri avatar image Fideri 4711austria commented ·
The version I have is Windows. Not too sure if the sw can export. Some people use any command line program to extract data from RS232. But that's too complex for my purpose. I don't even know the commands!


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