
daza avatar image
daza asked

Warranty Not As Good As What’s Made Out?

Good morning,

As the title it seems the Victron warranty isn’t as good as was made out!

I’m based in the UK and I have a multiplus 2 5000 which is under a year old ESS and PV assistant installed and with pylontech batteries. So I noticed that my multiplus never zeroed out my smart meter and would wildly fluctuate wattage but never zero the IHD smartmeter this made no difference wired via Victron CT or ET112

I raised this with the distro I purchased the multiplus, they dug into the VRM and noticed 500watts going missing probably over a day I imagine as I only noticed 100odd watts and a base line on the smart meter of 10watts that would jump to 80 and sometimes 100watts but never zero even with my ESS grid set point to -50 it would fluctuate even more exporting more which I would expect but also importing more So I left it at -20 grid set point but never zero’ed my smartmeter.

i even got this draw when my PV was enough to make the house base load run at -700watts so from the VRM I saw 1400watts of solar and a base load of the house at 700watts Victron multiplus was drawing 60watts from the grid as it sent the other 700watts to charge the batteries that where already at 80% SOC. Its 3 pylontech US5000’s programmed as per Victron guidance on Pylontech.

Anyway the distro got my 6 to 7 month old multiplus 2 sent off to Victron and gave me a beat up Quattro 5000 it was the only thing they had laying around at the time got me out of a jam so thanks goes to the distro! So I installed it in place of the multiplus 2 5000 on the 13th of december 2023 and with the ESS, PV assistant and grid set point to minus -10 it zeroed out the smartmeter, I have then looked at my energy providers readout and it has confirmed that when I switched over from the multiplus 2 to the loan Qauttro it wasn’t displaying the same issue so illuminating anything from the site itself only thing changed is grid point to -10 instead of -20.

Now Victron are saying no issues with the multiplus 2 5000 I must follow Victron guidance on ESS settings and that is the only thing Victron repair say follow Victron guidance on ESS, Both units have simular setting I say similar as i didn’t need to set the grid set point on the Quattro to -20 it hasn’t displayed any of the issues that the multiplus 2 has. Anyone at Victron care to comment? @Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) @Matthias Lange - DE @mvader (Victron Energy) @Kevin Windrem

Ive reached the end of my threshold and everyone at stalemate me being my nice 6-7 month old unit doesn’t work properl, the distro knows it doesn’t work properly and victron repair ignoring everything and saying follow ESS settings. How does a lone unit not display the samething same environment settings the same apart from the -10 setting used on the quattro compared to the -20 used on the multiplus.

below is a screen shot on the 13th when the unit was swapped over that the grid draw stopped and the unit actually exported power instead of importing it. Victron is a great community but I’ve not bought the product for that I’ve bought it to save energy/cut my cost it’s a more premium solution but not if it doesn’t work properly and a kick in the teeth if warranty is honoure very much wishing I just went off the shelf with Giv energy or another manufacturer at this point and wondering the unit is only 6-7months old are Victron going to honour anything for a 5year period or is there going to be static like what im getting now? I know this might not be the best place but I’m frustrated annoyed and disheartened and getting no other dialogue than the distro saying Victron said follow Victron ESS settings well I have so I’m not sure what I’m ment to do!


Below is a readout when the multiplus 2 was displaying issues i have exported nothing but have imported. Octopus have told me they can measure 6 to 9 places after the decimal point so if I’m not exporting I’m 100% importing.


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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·


I appreciate where you are coming from with the customer service from your warranty centre; I have not had a problem to date with the Warranty from Victron, even as far as supporting second hand items still in the five year period. What I do sometimes have a problem with is the handling of my case by the distro (need a swift kick in the behind).

But possibly also a bit of clean up/clarification on your post. ESS and PV assistant on the system? Usually they aren't used together and pv assistant isn't used when grid connected.


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14 Answers
daza avatar image
daza answered ·

@Alexandra firstly thank you for your responce. Yes the system is grid tired and I have the ability to sell/export surplus to the grid, the PV is an AC system, I have batteries hence the ESS assistant as far as I am aware that’s the only thing used to limit grid usage and utilities the batteries, PV is grid tired but on AC 1 out so critical output side, grid down PV still has power as far as I am aware I could be wrong and I’m happy too be wrong if not just to end this ongoing saga.

But the only way to stop the PV overcharging the system in a grid down state is via PV assistant frequency shift so it can’t overcharge the batteries or cause the whole system to go down as the BMS goes into overload protection.

The Quattro is wired and has exactly the same assistants on it as the multiplus did and can zero my smart meter out at -10 where as I couldn't even zero out the multiplus 2 at -50 grid setpoint, but the Quattro is not displaying any issues re balancing the grid.

The multiplus 2 wasn’t balancing the grid day or night so no PV at night. I’m at a loss I’m frustrated I’ve brought up the system not balancing before and that’s when people started mentioning the CT works better I got a Victron CT which makes no difference and the only thing that is different is the loan unit settings are the same, so forgive me for the post and how it sounds I’m just at the end of my tether and how a tatty loan unit works when my pristine unit won’t. Thanks for your reply, you guys and girls have more knowledge with Victron I’m happy to admit and that’s why I joined the forum and I’d love to continue and offer others help as best as I can but what’s been happening is just getting me more and more disheartened no offence intended just at whitts end!

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·

It is a weird one using PV assistant and ESS was just and observation.

All ESS systems I have installed when the grid goes down (very common occurrence here) automatically frequency shift the PV inverter during blackout using the ESS assistant. I have never used the two together.

The Quattro you were using during troubleshooting, is one of the older units not the Quattro 2? To be honest we don't use the MP2s often. And am very curious as to what might be the cause of the issue in your system.

I mean there are alot of differences between the MP2 and the Quattro. replication of the issue you have might prove to be interesting. And troubleshooting can be along painful process speaking from experience.

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Craig Chamberlain avatar image Craig Chamberlain commented ·

Worth having a read of this document if you haven't already because it clearly states that the PV assistant should not be used with the ESS assistant.

Also use this Assistant for systems connected to the grid, that for a particular reason are not setup as ESS and therefor not using the ESS Assistant. Usually all mains-connected systems do need the ESS Assistant, and in that case do not also install the PV Inverter Assistant as well.

I would have thought that in the event of a grid loss, the Multiplus would not allow the overcharging of batteries from PV due to the DVCC mechanism. I would expect the PV inverter to just start throttling DC to AC inversion due to the lack of demand.

So I'd say removal of the PV assistant is a clear first step here regardless of whether it appears to be working on the Quattro. Then you can simulate grid loss to see if the DVCC system will protect the batteries once they are fully charged. I would very much hope they will. If not then I would move the PV to the AC-In side.

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daza avatar image daza Craig Chamberlain commented ·

@Craig Chamberlain thanks mate I have looked at it and yes it does say that but how does it know if PV is connected and where it is connected to as when you go though PV assistant it asks you where it’s connected and how much watts it is.

Connecting the PV to the AC input isn’t possible without an additional board as the house is now a sub supply unit where the PV is wired, garage were the supply is, is disconnected from the garage where the mains goes and then intercepted by the multiplus 2.

I would have to wait for a good bit of sun to test it without the PV assistant and the batteries upto 100%

I know what your saying but how does it see the PV and know where it’s wired? But it wouldn't explain why even at night it would function correctly at night.

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Craig Chamberlain avatar image Craig Chamberlain daza commented ·
Sorry, I cross posted in response to your response to Alexandra.

Understood re the need to install on Ac-Out1.

As for how it sees the PV etc, I'm not experienced enough in this config to advise but speaking generally, as Alexandra said, the AC coupled PV inverter should respond to a frequency increase by the MP2 if the MP2 can't absorb the energy being generated and should reduce output. That will allow the MP2 to stop the batteries being overloaded. This is part of G98/99 regs so the inverter should support this AFAIK, otherwise how would it comply with the grid regs.

When grid is present, the AC output from the AC coupled inverter will feed local loads and if there is more generation than demand locally including from the MP2 battery charger, then it'll just feed the grid instead. This will all be handled by the MP2's internal CT combined with the ET112 grid meter.

That's my understanding at least.

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ Craig Chamberlain commented ·
The PV for AC PV is programmed into the ESS assistant. Size of array and frequency shifting values.
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daza avatar image daza Alexandra ♦ commented ·
Thank you both
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daza avatar image
daza answered ·

@Alexandra oh I thought I had missed something, I used the PV assistant for frequency shifting as it allows you to alter it for systems that are not Fronius type integration, Sorry apologises im being lazy and it is a Quattro 2 5000 so exactly the same just two grid inputs and no input for CT hence back to the ET112.

The shop didn’t have a loan multiplus 2 unit at the time this was the nearest to it, had this displayed the same as the multiplus 2 then I would have had to look more at the sight but the fact it was changed and as soon as the assistants where fired up it started to balance the grid in seconds and exported more in less than half a day to keep import at zero than the multiplus 2 has done in a whole day. Both units where running on the latest firmware I had to update my multiplus 2, I also had to update the Quattro 2 as it came in three phase setup that did fox me I’m not going to lie. But I went back through everything especially when I updated with VRM on the phone and saved the file in icloud and it said it wasn’t the same I had to do it all again from scratch and I had the distro on the phone when I was doing it.

Theres nothing else I can do, the distro is at a loss and no one can explain how the exact same setting and environment is not affecting the Quattro 2. This distro is just saying Victron repair is saying follow Victron guidance to ESS, I bought the system to save money default is 50watts draw from the grid if I’m not mistaken to me this isn’t acceptable and I’ve set the multiplus 2 to -20 which still can’t achieve zero on the IHD smart meter. Which the Quattro 2 does at -10 pushing back on the grid bubble so I’m not using the grid, grid set point can’t be an option and then wrong at the sametime. Who knows if this is it?

All Victron repair say is follow Victron ESS, they are not interested in the VRM data that they have or the Octopus screen shot of when the unit was swapped over that very same day or the fact that the loan unit isn’t doing the samething, I’m not making it up the distro isn’t the data shows it. I didn’t think I would get this much static from Victron when the distro said yes unit looks faulty and the loan unit goes to show it’s not the site or the settings.

This whole thing has me twisted, but I’ll always say and this much is true the test of a good company is how they deal with problems, that’s what I thought I invested in and the very active community over another brand.

I’m happy to be wrong and shove humble pie in my mouth but the VRM data Octopus energy data, what I can see on the IHD, the distro and the loan unit it can’t possibly boil down to ESS when both are setup the same apart from the difference in grid setpoint. Hope this isn’t coming over as a pop I’m just at the end of my rope.

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Craig Chamberlain avatar image Craig Chamberlain commented ·

FWIW, and with the greatest sympathy for what has been a frustrating experience, I think you need to forget about how you got to where you are now because that is in my opinion leading to a form of confirmation bias. I think you need to get your Multiplus-II back in service and remove the PV assistant and see what effect that has. If your distributor isn't aware that you aren't supposed to use these two assistants at the same time then it makes sense that they have concluded there is a fault with the MP-2. But that doesn't help you if they are wrong.

As for why the Quattro 2 is behaving differently, it could be any number of things but one possibility is that the order of the assistants might be different between your MP-2 and the Quattro as it says in the PV assistant instructions that it must be placed last in the list. It also talks about some requirements particular to 3 phase setups so again that might be a difference with the Quattro. Or maybe the Quattro is faulty - who knows. Too many ifs buts and maybes which I think are just a distraction now.

I really do hope it's just the PV assistant that needs to be removed and there is only one way to find out. Fingers crossed!

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daza avatar image daza Craig Chamberlain commented ·

@Craig Chamberlain noted and yes that is what it has lead me too, my system is just single phase Quattro 2 setup for the samething.

I may suggest it to the distro and to let me keep hold of the unit until I’ve tested without PV assistance and ensured it doesn’t completely blackout the house in a grid down situation when there is 100% battery with solar going.

Both systems have ESS then PV setup in that order.

Anyone from Victron know what happens when there is no PV assistant with a system other than fronius that talks directly to the multiplus 2 and wired to AC1 out as the frequency shift is setup in the PV assistant. It’s hard to be objective when it seems everything is pointing to the unit. I would have to be at home when I do this and I would need the battery at 100% like when I set it up to see if frequency shift actually worked.

Happy to try though, will have to wait for a sunny day and charge the batteries off of the grid and then see.

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Craig Chamberlain avatar image Craig Chamberlain daza commented ·
I think the ESS assistant will also perform the frequency shifting and I think that's the reason it can't be used with the PV assistant. @Alexandra is saying above that she has seen this happening with only the ESS assistant installed and I see below that @duivert is saying much the same thing and has shown a screenshot to that effect from the ESS assistant install guide.
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sharpener avatar image sharpener daza commented ·
ESS will work with any PV inverter that complies with the relevant frequency shift standards, provided of course you have got the ET112 location configured correctly in the setup screens. My Multi II 5k works perfectly with an old StecaGrid installation dating from 2011.
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daza avatar image daza sharpener commented ·
@sharpener and everyone that has contributed I say this with much appreciation thank you and just hope I’ve been a kn**b with the config and that’s the cause and the solution.
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Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

hi daza,

i think the ess and pv assistant might be the problem, i have made a screenshot from ve configure
when setting up the ess assistant and you dont need the pv assistant (see note in screenschot)

im using a similar setup in the netherlands and also only use the ess assistantveconfig.jpg

veconfig.jpg (95.5 KiB)
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daza avatar image
daza answered ·

Guys thank you @duivert are you wired to AC 1 out and not a solar system that integrates with Victron? So it will do it just on ESS ok it appears this could be it but for the life of me can’t see why the Quattro isn’t doing it, I’ll give the Distro a call tomorrow and get my unit back and try it if it is I’ll delete this post or just change the title and shove humble pie in my mouth in the corner on my own. Thank you gents and ladies! Much appreciated

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·

The ESS Assistant asks you if you have a PV inverter on the output:


Click on "Yes" and you can configure the frequency just like with the PV Inverter assistent:


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Duivert NL avatar image Duivert NL commented ·

@daza i used to have a single phase system with an inverter on ac out, so i have experience with it :) hope it will solve your problem!

right now i have a 3 phase multiplus setup with 6 victron mppts and 15kw pylontechs

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daza avatar image
daza answered ·

Thanks @Matthias Lange - DE so I am getting ESS confused with PV assistant then. So more points to config error on my part, which is a surprise as the distro said install PV assistant after the ESS, will defo call the distro and get the unit back to try this out. Again thank you all that have inputted.

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daza avatar image
daza answered ·

@Matthias Lange - DE @Alexandra Right Back to this phantom draw 6 month old unit first posted here which was help full with and said it could be a site issue which it could have but the below goes to confirm it’s not, It appears that i haven't enabled both the PV assistant and the ESS assistant so not a config issue But what i'm left with is the repair centre saying use the standard ESS setting but as far as i am aware the pylontech batteries given an alarm if not set to the spec that victron specify for the batteries exactly how ive setup the batteries, This differs from the stock ESS see link below for US5000 setup so not sure what settings they want me to comply with as there is no PV assistant just the ESS.

So now i'm being told that there is nothing the shop can do in regards to this as Victron are not going to repair or do anything with the unit and I'm going to be getting it back even though the shop has benched the unit without a load and the unit draws 200Watts with nothing connected according to the tech at the shop.

So i have demonstrated it not working at my house the shop has been over the VRM and said yes its not working properly draws about 500Watts at points. The repair centre is saying its fine sent it back to the shop they have bench tested it with no load and said its still not right it draws 200Watts with no assistants loaded and nothing on the output of the Unit, Now i'm being told there is nothing the shop can do even though they tested it and know its faulty they have to send it to me as Victron repair centre says no So i'm going to get a faulty unit back which isn't even a year old. No wonder i couldn't get my smart meter to read zero if its pulling 200Watts from the grid all by itself Without a load so i can only assume when a load is connected the draw from the unit is a lot higher which rings true with what the shop picked up on the VRM re the 500watts

PS Old beat up Quattro 2 loan unit from the shop is working fine go figure!?

I'm soo angry, feed up, frustrated with this whole saga from a 6 month old unit.

Ive always had a view that the measure of a company isn’t how well they deal with things that go right but how they deal with it when it goes wrong!

Apologies if this comes over bluntly i'm at breaking point and having my post altered doesn’t help that.

Charger tab

Parameter Setting
Battery type Lithium
Charge curve Fixed
Absorption voltage 52.0 V
Float voltage 51.0 V
Absorption time 1 Hr

Note: make sure to double check the float voltage after completing Assistants, and if necessary set it back to 51.0 V.

Note For off-grid use: ignore the 'bms assistant required' warning.

5.3 Inverter Settings

In the Inverter tab of VEConfigure

VEConfigure Inverter Parameter Setting
DC input low shut-down 44V
DC input low restart 48V
DC input low pre-alarm* 48V

* The pre-alarm setting is dependant on your preference and on site specific requirements. You may wish for this to be activated earlier in an off grid situation to allow time to start a backup generator.

ESS System Settings

If you are using the battery as part of a grid connected ESS system, please review the ESS Quickstart guide and Design and Installation Manual.

The settings that are specific to the Pylontech battery in the VEConfigure ESS Assistant are below:

Select the externally managed Lithium battery option

ESS Parameter Settings
Sustain voltage. 48V
Dynamic cut-off values set all values to 46V.
Restart offset: 1.2V (Default)
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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·

I hear your frustration. We are lucky to have a dealer close by so don't have a longer chain.

Have you tried moving through more official channels? The forum is not meant for this. I do agree though that if the stand in works then it does not a look like a set up issue.

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daza avatar image
daza answered ·

@Alexandra thanks I’ve gone through my dealer this is what is frustrating.
My dealer was the first option, but as we both have seen the multi miss behave and been told it’s ESS settings, the dealer bench tested it and seeing an issue without any settings enabled or load on the unit. Repair centre saying no issues and to return the unit to me who else can i turn to it seems all avenues are blocked? I’ll have a look at the link but ultimately boils down to the repair centre who are saying it’s fine even though me and the dealer are miles apart and both having issues with excess current draw.

I spent a lot of money and even more time on it as a source of pride that anyone that looked at it would be impressed with the setup now I’m some what dulled.

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Craig Chamberlain avatar image Craig Chamberlain commented ·
Sorry to hear you’re still not having any joy Daza, but it sounds to me as if what you really need is a fresh pair of eyes to take a look at your entire setup in person. It’s very hard to remain 100% objective when you’ve been through the wringer as you clearly have. The confusion over whether you had the PV assistant installed is an example of this I think.

I realise this forum isn’t an official channel for support but if there is another dealer who is seeing this who is close enough to wherever you are to potentially provide that fresh pair of eyes then I would recommend pursuing that option. Maybe you could give a general idea of your location (eg. first half of postcode or nearby city) or just try to find another Victron dealer nearby yourself. I don’t expect another dealer to do this for free of course so you might need to at least cover any expenses. But it would certainly earn that dealer some serious kudos within the community if they could resolve your problem, and worst case if the problem remains then at least it gives you a second opinion upon which to take the next step (eg. sale of goods act remedy). Ideally Victron would jump in and send someone to investigate or cover the cost of another dealer visit.

Regarding the 200w no-load draw, I’d be interested to see if that is a real draw as measured by a current clamp on the input, and presumably significant heating of the inverter/charger(?), or if it’s a phantom draw (ie. an instrumentation issue). That said I’m not sure if it’s a good idea to power a Multiplus-II purely from AC for any extended period to assess self heating. Normally you would not power a unit up without first powering from battery as you know.

I’d be happy to take a look at your “Remote VE Configure” file and compare it with mine if that would help. I can’t remember if you’ve had someone look at your config already but let me know if you want me to do that and we can work out how to get the file to me.

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daza avatar image
daza answered ·

@Craig Chamberlain Cheers mate, I’m not sure if a clamp meter is being used by the dealer all I’ve been told is they have seen it still drawing 200watts, so it’s not me testing it, yes manual says use batteries to power the unit I assume it’s powered but is still drawing the 200watts from the grid that’s what I got from the dealer.

i haven’t got the unit back I’m just using the old Quattro 2 that they gave me as an interim. Yes there was confusion mainly by me going through the ESS settings and then thinking it was the PV assistant so apologies for that. Yeah I had the dealer look over the VRM and access the Cerbo GX remotely I can’t get the config file for the multiplus as we wiped it when I was fault finding with them on the phone and the latest firmware was put on it the only one I have is the Quattro one which is behaving fine but I’m in a meeting all day via teams so can’t boot into boot camp to get the files.

The dealer has been brilliant and still has the unit and has continued to push back but I think they are getting to their end of there resolve with the unit, I’ve reached out to someone at Victron as a last hail, Mary! But yeah I can 100% send the file to you and appreciate your prospective regarding this.

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Craig Chamberlain avatar image Craig Chamberlain commented ·
Yeah it's hard to comment further without understanding exactly how the dealer tested the unit but I guess we can only assume that they know what they're doing.

That said, if they have agreed that there is a fault with the unit then I think the onus is upon them to either refund you or get you a replacement unit. I think I would be working towards that outcome if I was you, albeit as compassionately and reasonably as possible. If they could get you another MP-2 and it worked fine in exactly the same installation then that might just give them the ammunition they need to force the return of the original unit to Victron.

Best of luck - keep us updated if you can.

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daza avatar image
daza answered ·

Wow didn’t think this topic would be still be on going but it is. No problems with the config I hold my hands up and say i was confused thinking that in ESS when it was asking the PV stuff I thought that it was PV assistant. So no, no Wrong settings on my part.

Update from Distro yes we are still seeing current draw over the units 18watts with no load. My energy supplier sees the excess draw as the unit fails to balance the grid due to this. Victrons answer to this is it needs to be on an Oscilloscope to accurately measure that it’s drawing power so not sure if I should ask my energy supplier to use one in order to bill me. For a company that prided its self on warranty and its products Victron is just looking like any other company @mvader (Victron Energy) @Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) @Alexandra its at this point when I start regretting ever going with a Victron system at the moment with this going on, right now my Distro/Victron you’ve had my system longer than I have even owned it!

VRM also shows that the Multiplus 2 is having a hard time at balancing the grid both Multi and the Qauttro 2 on the same settings grid set point, loads same the used wattage from the grid very different. Quattro 2 in green and Multiplus 2 in red


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Alex Pescaru avatar image
Alex Pescaru answered ·

Hi @Daza

Take a look at this:

It may get you some insights about those variations and the fact that they depends on how clear is the waveform from your supplier (Octopus).


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daza avatar image
daza answered ·

@Alex Pescaru firstly thank you for your reply but its the national grid that do that. I’ve got two devices near Identical apart from the addition input. My energy provider (Octopus) is just reading the data from the approved metering device (smartmeter) which could never register zero or show export on the in home display until the loan unit went in. Also doesn’t explain why I would have 1400watts of solar and a 700watt load and still draw 50odd watts from the grid with batteries at 90%, My distro has the unit still and said it’s still drawing more, a similar 50Watts to 80watts no load connected clamp meter tested by distro.
Different location different DNO, different installation setup similar results. So it’s been replicated independently by the distro so not sure why I now need an oscilloscope to cheek that it’s drawing more power Apparently that’s Victrons answer. It’s not a reasonable thing to ask especially when the two devices are exactly the same settings yet behaving very different and also replicated by there distro. @Craig Chamberlain yes it looks as if I will have to go the full course consumer rights act as just looks like ducking responsibility to me, yes I’m still sore about this whole situation and really thought I was in good had with a well established manufacture.

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Thanks for the update and sorry to hear you're not any further forward. What exactly is your distributor doing now? Have they just given up or are they actively still trying to find a resolution? If you bought the unit from them and they agree it's not working correctly then surely they should be giving you a new replacement unit. Then it's up to them to pursue the faulty unit with Victron.

I can't help but think there is something very simple that is wrong here, such as a faulty CT sensor, or the CT sensor connection on the MP-2 missing the little link wire which is removed when an external CT clamp is being used. But it's impossible to tell remotely without detailed information on how the inverter is being tested. Has your distributor ever been to your house to actually check the installation or are they purely acting as a distributor and not an installer?
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daza avatar image
daza answered ·

@Craig Chamberlain cheers mate, no the link wire went as soon as I installed the ET112 when I connected that I posted on here that I’m drawing too much and everyone said use a victron CT so I bought one and tried it but it was worse.

I’ve never used the internet CT as Ive got the dryer and washing machine on AC in. No distributor hasn’t been to my house, the distributor is just the distributor I would have loved it to be a simple solution but if it was my site the problem wouldn’t have gone to there site and if it was my site I would still have the problem all be it that the Quattro can only have external shunts as no CT input.

Yes the Distributor technician has said it‘s using more power than it should I got an Area manager from Victron involved and I got asked if I’ve worked out how much extra it’s costing bit hard to work out the cost of the lifetime of a system when tariffs change, I just want a system that works.

I’m currently waiting the distributors response as it’s now with there director.

Yes as a resolution I’ve asked for a new unit as as far as Victron are concerned it needs an oscilloscope to work out if it drawing too much apparently clamp meters are not good enough to show current draw. So now got to see if the distributor changes there mind and decides an oscilloscope is the only way to workout if the unit is drawing too much current.

But I’ve never had to fight as hard with a manufacturer as I have with Victron as it seems like the distributor is reliant on Victron to say yeah there is a fault so that there not out of pocket I hope I’m wrong but the way it’s going. Trading Standards are aware informed by Citizens advice but everyone is on pause at the moment as the distributors response will dictate next steps.

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ commented ·
Hi, if L3 are asking for a scope its not because they are trying to be difficult, it is because it matters. It doesn’t happen often but it is sometimes needed for a corner case.

Setpoints aren’t fixed, they are a median affected by several variables. It is a depth of technical detail that is just way beyond what the community can help with.

I can only assure you if L3 are involved they really will own a product issue if thats the cause, but sometimes, it just isn’t, as frustrating as that can be.

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no the link wire went as soon as I installed the ET112

You need to reinstall the link wire if using an ET112 to reconnect the internal CT sensor. I originally used a Victron CT clamp and so I removed the link wire, but I had to reinstall the link wire between the outer terminals when I switched to the ET112 otherwise the inverter has no way to measure the current on AC-In.

Some pics attached below of my setup




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daza avatar image daza Craig Chamberlain commented ·

Yes Link wire was there for the ET112 and then taken out for the External CT it’s been a long time since install and I don’t have the unit all I’m looking at is the plug with just the CT wires so I had CT wired until I got the Quattro that doesn’t have that input for CT. This is how I left it when the CT went in


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Craig Chamberlain avatar image Craig Chamberlain daza commented ·
I might be wrong but looking at the photo you just posted, it looks like the link wire has been cut in half and soldered to the CT red and white wires. There’s nothing wrong with that, and it does appear to be correctly connected to EXT (red) and COM (white) as it should be. However, that link wire should have been replaced for normal operation and I wonder if your distributor is doing their testing with it missing? Hopefully they would notice this header and link wire is missing but it would be quite easy to miss it. Victron on the other hand quite likely have a testing harness which plugs into all external ports for factory testing which might be why they can’t find a fault.

To be clear:

1. Normal operation with grid connected to AC-In and ALL domestic loads in either AC-Out1 or AC-Out2 => Link Wire FITTED between INT and COM

2. Remote CT clamp operation with some domestic loads upstream on AC-In and some loads downstream on AC-Out1 and/or AC-Out2 => Link wire removed and CT clamp wired to EXT and COM as per your photo

3. Operation with ET112 grid meter => Link Wire FITTED between INT and COM

Anyway, just a hypothesis but might be worth checking with the distributor if they have the link refitted. I’m not sure if the photo you just posted means you still have that link header or if it’s an old photo.

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daza avatar image daza Craig Chamberlain commented ·

hi mate yes I still have the header as it was just before the unit left, I had to revert to the ET112 when I realised that the Quattro didn’t have a port for any CT‘s so I left it in the install with the intention to use it again when the unit was fixed but the Quattro was working great with the ET112 and accurate but slow to react l, I then moved to the VM-3P75CT so I just cut out the Blue style Victron CT and sold it on Ebay.

PS yeah had to cut the link wire couldn’t find a good gauge wire that wouldn’t bend going into the header knowing that I could always solder a wire to link the cut section back, I suppose I could have just tinned the CT wires but hay I am were I am lol.

Will check with the distributor today but I know there lead tech doesn’t work on these days so may only be able to confirm next week sometime,

As always mate thank you for your pragmatic approach.

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daza avatar image
daza answered ·

Hi @nickdb i get that set point are not hard and fast hence why I was trying upto -50 as a set point and changing ET112 for and external CT and doesn’t explain why the Quattro can do it and yes there are tolerances in electronics but that’s pretty different as a plus minus tolerance using quality components, whilst I hope that Victron own it last conversation I had with the distributor is that they don’t have an oscilloscope and as far as I’m aware L3 doesn’t have the unit that’s just what they are telling the distributor it needs.

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sean avatar image
sean answered ·

I am supprised that the distributor hasn't yet explained that the power factor of what looks to be a constant/irregular/annoying input/export will be extremely low.

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daza avatar image daza commented ·
@Sean you mean that it doesn’t balance the grid 100% of the time and would inport a small amount of power, if that’s what you refer to does explain why it has never exported and why it’s never zero’d the smart meter which the Quattro has. And does not explain how the Distributor is seeing the unit drawing more power with no load.
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