
zephyr avatar image
zephyr asked

Cerbo Compatibility

Looking to find out the compatibility of the Cerbo GX to the Schneider XW+. I would like to be able to see the production, use of my off grid solar system as well as control my generator.

My current equipment: (2) Schneider XW+ Inverters, Conext SCP Conext AGS, Conext Battery Monitor & Combox.

I have just installed (5) Pytes V5 Lithium Batteries.

Please advise

cerbo gx
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1 Answer
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

The cerbo is designed to work around victron inverters and chargers.

While some people have written (unsupported) drivers to connect 3rd party devices, this is not its purpose.

The VRM platform is also not built for this scenario.

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