
eliott avatar image
eliott asked

Strage bug in CCGX, menu items don't work, unable to change them

hi! I have a stock ccgx, shipped with 2.13 (I think), immediately upgraded to the latest 2.33. (it was strange that after first boot part of the screen was shifted left and was missing from the screen).

What happens is that I can set a few menu items like timezone, however, most of the others like system name, pin code, apn, AC names, motorhome screen and basically 99% of all the others don't work.

it can't be a hardware error because the right arrow works when traversing the menu but stops working when reaching a menu item.

I wanted to try over local network but I can't even set the ip address and didn't have a dhcp server around.

This is driving me crazy. Any suggestions?

CCGX Color Control
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2 Answers
Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Maybe the access level is set to 'user' instead of 'installer'?

password is 'zzz'

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eliott avatar image eliott commented ·

No, it is actually Superuser now, i see the root password menu, it was User and Installer, same result

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eliott avatar image eliott eliott commented ·

and now I can't change back to anything

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Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ eliott commented ·

Ok. Only thing I can think of is to try an update though usb-stick or sd-card.

If that also fails then it's time to contact your distributor for a (warranty) replacement.

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eliott avatar image
eliott answered ·

Hi! i think this is a software issue, right now I am superuser, and it doesn't help, actually I can't revert back to anything.

Is there an swu that erases the whole data partition and does a clean reset? I would run that if possible, the RMA procoess would be time consuming

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wkirby avatar image wkirby ♦♦ commented ·

If I remember correctly, this procedure will perform a full erase.

You'll need an SD Card to perform this procedure.

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eliott avatar image eliott wkirby ♦♦ commented ·

well, not according to the docs, but will see :)

"All settings in the connected devices (Multis, BMV, Solar Charger etcetera) won’t be affected. "

I'll try tomorrow and get back

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