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gibbs asked

Cerbo GX - Smart MMPT & Phoenix IP43 3 outlet & Shunt

Hi All

I after some advise

I am thinking of adding a Cerbo GX with touch mount display to my system.

I currently have the following

2 x Smart MMPT solar Controllers

1 x Phoenix smart Mains charger 3 output

What I would like to know is -

will it display the input from both solar controllers individually?

will it display the output to the 3 battery banks from the Phoenix mains charger so I can see how many amps are going into each battery bank ?

Also thinking about replacing the shunt for the domestic battery bank so i can monitor the power in and out

any recommendations on what shunt would be best to connect to the Cerbo and would that than display on the information on the touch screen



cerbo gx
2 |3000

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