
arvo-paukkunen avatar image
arvo-paukkunen asked

Gx OS large and Nodered version

Currently I have a 3.0.2 latest Nodered is now 3.1.3. Is it safe to assume, that upgrade would be independent and does not affect the Cerbo CX in any way ? (bad way I mean :))

my cerbo firmware is v3.13

Venus OS
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2 Answers
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered Ā·

Never assume.

Node red is not updated independently. It is updated when the image is updated.

If you want the newest available on victron, run the beta GX code which has 3.1.0

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arvo-paukkunen avatar image
arvo-paukkunen answered Ā·

Thanks, I am going to let it be. Why fix when nothing is broken - right :)

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ā™¦ā™¦ commented Ā·
@Arvo Paukkunen True. 3.1.3 is also now in the latest beta, if should be GA in the not too distant future.
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