
Josep morancho avatar image
Josep morancho asked

Ultrasonic TS1 level sensor & Cerbo GX

I want to test if the ultrasonic TS1 level sensor ( ) works with my Cerbo GX and the first problem that I have is that the TS1 level sensor has 3 cables and the tank level connection in the Cerbo has only 2 inputs.

How do I have to connect the 3 TS1 cables to the Cerbo?



tank monitor
img-7317.png (611.2 KiB)
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3 Answers
gordon-thoms avatar image
gordon-thoms answered ·

Hi Josep,

Did you received, or found a solution for that problem?

I have the same one. I‘m trying to connect my TS1 sensors with my Cerbo gx but I have only fixed resistence values.

I have no idea anymore.

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jeremyb avatar image
jeremyb answered ·

I found the TS1 does not work as a resistive sender with the Cerbo as the TS1 is not a true resistive device.

However, by programming the TS1 instead as a voltage sender and connecting them to a GX Tank 140 (which connects to the Cerbo by USB) they work fine. I have three setup this way.

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gordon-thoms avatar image
gordon-thoms answered ·

Hi Jeremyb,

I think it works now. I connected the red wire to Battery, the black one to ground and into the Cerbo and the green wire also into the Cerbo. I adjusted the resistance, if tank full und empty manually. The quantity indication is fluctuating on my display but I‘m fine now. I guess the Cerbo GX Tank could be a good sollution in the future. I will observe the indication in my vacation.

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