
ditmarco avatar image
ditmarco asked

How to remove PV inverter (yyyy)


How it can be removed a Pv Inverter (yyyy) from PV Inverters that doesn't exist.



cerbo gx
1704713353678.png (112.2 KiB)
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5 Answers
ditmarco avatar image
ditmarco answered ·

Hello anyone that can help?

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Alex Pescaru avatar image
Alex Pescaru answered ·

What happens if you (re)scan for PV inverters?

What happens if you reboot the Cerbo?

Happens even with a standard, unmodded, Cerbo firmware?

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ditmarco avatar image
ditmarco answered ·

Already done all that, still remains the same..

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ditmarco avatar image
ditmarco answered ·

I've already done all of this, and it's still there, there have been several firmware updates to the cerbo and it's still there.

It's been months like this...

and there is no "remove" option.

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Alex Pescaru avatar image
Alex Pescaru answered ·

From programming point of view, this happens when, for clear, you fill a zone with a certain character (usually 0) and then, for showing purposes, you verify that the character buffer contains the same init fill value. If not, it means that in that zone is a valid information and you show it.

In your case, the secondary inverter zone may have been filled with invalid characters from a glitch sometime, and then, the printing routines believe that there is stored a valid information there and show it to you.

But this is just a supposition from my side and I may be far removed from the truth...

I suppose you could try to contact the developers and ask them to check and tell you what you can do.

Please, @Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) , @Thiemo van Engelen (Victron Energy staff) , can you help him? Thank you in advance!

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ditmarco avatar image ditmarco commented ·
I hope they can help, there are some members with this issue..
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