
rolandrrr avatar image
rolandrrr asked

Performance of Multiplus depending on battery voltage?

Is the performance (inverter output) limited by the battery voltage?

The Multiplus 48/5000 can work with a voltage range of 38 to 66v.
I have it running with a voltage range of 40v to 49v when battery is full.

Since most power electronics is limited in amps, lower voltage means less power.

The max I have seen my inverter do is around 6000W. I have tested it and never got peak power values such as 9000W. Anything past 6200W typically gets it in overload and it stops for half a minute.

This is fine, I don't need the peak power. But I want to understand if the inverter output is limited because of a battery operating in lower voltage ranges.

It would be good to know if power output and efficiency is better when you are higher in the operating voltage range.

Multiplus-IIbattery system voltage
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1 Answer
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

I would think that the higher the voltage the better the inverter would preform as less current is used at the higher voltage to achieve the output power. and thus less heat is generated in the inverters power pack.

There are also lots of things in play when in a overload condition

Power pack heat

Terminal voltage at the inverter

DC current being consumed

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rolandrrr avatar image rolandrrr commented ·
Yes I think that too, that is why I ask. To get a confirmation on this.

Mainly because I like using EV battery modules which come in 12s and 16s, being either at the low end or the top end of the voltage range.

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