
Ludwig Hoogstoel avatar image
Ludwig Hoogstoel asked

CCGX showing no numerical values and spontaneous reboots

We have a lithium install on a sailboat, 3 Orions, 2 MPPT, Bmv700 and latest BMS.

Our CCGX will light up at times showing only the colored boxes, without numerical values. Then after a couple of seconds the values re-appear. It also will reboot, show some “code lines” then the blue Victron screen then the normal screen. None of this interrupts the system apparently

Firmware updated December 19 2023

CCGX Color Control
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2 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


You will likely need to first try roll it back to an older firmware.

The storage space on the CCGX struggles with the newer firmware size.

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Ludwig Hoogstoel avatar image Ludwig Hoogstoel commented ·

Overnight got BMS pre alarm and alarm apparently without consequence. Did not revert firmware yet. “BMS connection lost” is the message. The BMS is brand new and Victron Cables are used for the connection. Checked all cables and everything looks solid.

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alia-rahim avatar image alia-rahim Ludwig Hoogstoel commented ·

Is that error also appears on your MPPT?

Last week I had same issue "Error 67 BMS connection lost". 2018 system on a boat with BYD 2.5 x 4, Colour Control GX, MPPT 250/60 MC4, Quattro 5000.

Batteries were working fine with LEDs showing true SOC%. Updated MPPT firmware but the error persist. The CCGX however refused to update firmware, after 3 trials.

We followed the victron advice It would work for a bit but the next day it will come up with same error.

We ended up replacing the CCGX. It works fine after that. The old CCGX sent for RMA.

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alia-rahim avatar image
alia-rahim answered ·

What is your current firmware version?

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Ludwig Hoogstoel avatar image Ludwig Hoogstoel commented ·
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