
lazza avatar image
lazza asked

2 x Fronius, both visible through GX device?


We're looking at doing an ESS system with two different PV arrays with their respective Fronius inverters (Symo 15.0-3 M & 8.2-3 M).

How does the CCGX read the information from these two inverters? Does it manage each one individually, or combine the readings from the two? If it only combines the readings then I could buy a light version of the 8.2-3 and use the 15.0-3 datamanager, but if it's possible to read both of them individually then I'd prefer that buying "full" versions of each model..

Anyone know?



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1 Answer
Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hi @Lazza

you can view both in VRM details, but on the remote console they show up as one.

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