
Alex Pescaru avatar image
Alex Pescaru asked

Monitor PE to Neutral voltage option missing...


Multi RS Solar owner here...

As per title, on my VictronConnect app, on Settings -> Grid, the option "Monitor PE to Neutral voltage" is missing.

On PDF manual, on page 19, it clearly states the presence of this option, on the picture on top right.

Am I doing something wrong or am I missing something?

LE: running 1.16 beta-2 now, but it wasn't there on 1.15 either.

LE2: also the (inactive now) options like ESS -> "Without batteries" and "Optimize for feed in", are not there...

Thanks in advance.

Multi RS
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2 Answers
Alex Pescaru avatar image
Alex Pescaru answered ·

Hi @Alexandra

Which version of hardware do you have? With one or two trackers?

Also which version of the software do you have in it?

I am asking this, because on the "Multi RS Inverter RS and MPPT RS firmware changelog" file, downloadable from Victron Professional, it's written the below quoted text, which warrants the missing option on my inverter:


v1.12 – 25 May 2023

Changes applying to Multi RS dual-MPPT (PMR482602020) only:

  • Remove PE-Neutral monitoring


This happens when you don't read carefully each and every line in the documentation... :-))

So, the mystery is solved, but still, wonder why do they do that?

Meaning removing this PE-Neutral monitoring...

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Alex Pescaru avatar image Alex Pescaru commented ·

Hi @Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager)

I am remembering that you said at one moment that you are responsible with the manual editing for the Multi RS Solar product.

In the light of the above post, respectfully, I will mention the fact that on page 19, in the upper right picture, it still appears the option "Monitor PE to Neutral voltage", option that was taken out since version 1.12.

I am mentioning this, because on page 1, it clearly says: "This manual applies to: Multi RS Solar 48/6000/100-450/100 - PMR482602020" and the inverter is forcing you to update to 1.15 when you power it up.

Best Regards,


PS: Why was taken out this option? Thanks!

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·

Ah right. So there it is. I will confess I did not think the model made a difference but there it is.

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Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·

@Alex Pescaru

Mine is there v1.15. Have you updated firmware?


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Alex Pescaru avatar image Alex Pescaru commented ·
Hi @Alexandra

Thanks for answering,

Yes, running the last 1.16 beta-2 now, but it wasn't there on 1.15 either...

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ Alex Pescaru commented ·

That is strange. Is yours the dual tracker or the older single tracker? Not that it should make a difference.

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Alex Pescaru avatar image Alex Pescaru Alexandra ♦ commented ·


It's a dual tracker ...

Also some options visible on 1.16, but said by developers that are not active now, on ESS page like "Without batteries" and "Optimize for feed in", are not there...

Strange indeed...

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ Alex Pescaru commented ·
Yes those are some features being worked on currently. Will be great when they are out.

Maybe going back to an older firmware? Then re updating?

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Alex Pescaru avatar image Alex Pescaru Alexandra ♦ commented ·
I'll try... Only 1.12 and 1.13 are available on Victron Professional, but I'll try.
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