
ciacula avatar image
ciacula asked

Cerbo relay1 and alarm rules - Heating mats

I'm planning to heat a little my Pylontech batteries during winter by means of some terrarium heating mats. It is possible to set the alarm rule into the VRM system that check the battery temperature and it is possible to set the relay1 of the Cerbo on the alarm function, to activate some external relay and feed in the mats. But it seems the realy1 doesn't trigger when the alarm starts. Does the relay1 alarm function responds to VRM alarms? Thanks

cerbo gx
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2 Answers
pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered ·

You need to program the relay in the Cerbo itself, not VRM. It can work of temperature sensors, I am not sure if it can pick up the Pylontech temperature or if you will need to add a hardwired sensor or Ruuvi sensor to the Cerbo to independently measure the battery temperature.

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ciacula avatar image
ciacula answered ·

Ok. The "temperature function" of the relay1 it works with an external sensor but it isn't clear for me what kind of alarm is required to trigger the relay1 in "alarm function".

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pwfarnell avatar image pwfarnell commented ·
As far as I know if the GCerbo raises an alarm or any of the devices connected to the Cerbo raises an alarm then the relay would activate in alarm mode, so things like grid loss, inverter overload etc. you do not set which alarms activate it. The purpose is if the Cerbo is mounted away from habitation or helm on a boat that the relay can operate a remote buzzer or light on an alarm condition.
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