
ako avatar image
ako asked

Cerbo Settings

opera-snapshot-2023-12-17-222216-vrmvictronenergyc.pngI accidentaly came across the above , would someone be kind enough to explain the purpose of these settings as i cant find it anywhere in the manual .

I have DVCC turned on to control my MPPT via VE Direct and have now discovered how to selected one of the Smart Shunts as the control source for shared Temperature , Voltage and Current but not sure if i have to adjust these also , dont know if they have to be adjusted from their defaults or if they are even relevant .

As always any assistance would be very much appreciated

cerbo gx
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2 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


It is for information you will notice the end user can't change the settings.

You can usually see what type of system is installed there as well.

  • Synchronise Venus SOC with battery

Great for smart batteries they tell the GX, the GX tells the ve bus the SOC. Also works with the shunt.

  • Use solar charge current....

Ve bus SOC has difficulty calculating SOC when there are other current sources since it has no shunt to measure the actual movement. So helps improve ve bus SOC if there no smart batteries and no shunt

  • Solar charge voltage control and current control

Used to influence the solar charger I think this is also more for ESS systems.

  • BMS control


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Alex Pescaru avatar image
Alex Pescaru answered ·

Also, besides what Alexandra said, all those information will appear only if you enabled Superuser access level in Cerbo's settings.

So, maybe, this is another reason you won't find too much info in the manual about them.

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