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nvs asked

MultiPlus II 24/3000/70 - charging the vehicle battery

Hello, in this campervan the setup is a 24V system (2x12v lithium batt) & I have a doubt about this extra MP charging avaible connection for charging the vehicle battery (max 4A). The vehicle battery is a 12V battery but the MP is 24V. There's no informations about his charging port on the manual. How the Multi will handle this ? Thank you

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4 Answers
derrick thomas avatar image
derrick thomas answered ·

The auxiliary battery charge is the same voltage as the main, so cannot charge a 12v aux/engine battery with a 24v multi.

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nvs avatar image
nvs answered ·

Thank you but Can I put a small converter ? If so, where should I put the negativ cable ? On the multiplus side or on the battery bank side ?

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·

I think you can, but better to put a small current/voltage regulator between the battery positives. There should be a common earth between the 24 and 12V systems. So the negative location can go to either.

Set the regulator output voltage to the lead acid float (usually 12.7V). Adjust current down to 1-2A.

Don't forget to fuse both ends and fit an on/off switch.

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nvs avatar image nvs kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·

Hello @kevgermany , thank you, but I'm unable to know the difference between an regulator and an dc/dc converter. This kind of converter will work ? Yes the MP is grounded to the vehicle chassis trought the negative busbar of the installtioncapture-decran-2023-12-19-a-091033.png

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Mike Yager avatar image
Mike Yager answered ·

Yes you can. I have a similar system (24v) simply use a Victron :)

24v - >12v 20amp (the one that i got)

Victron makes it, It has 2 modes Full time 10amp (24v) or Charger Setup.....

Yes its ~sorta expensive, i was on the fence about getting it. But i did get it. At the time was ~$120 [Do i 'need' it......]

I leave it running (solar) all the time, in Charger setup. As i do for the entire system.

My RV sits in the driveway and this keep my RV Battery topped off. If not the RV goes dead in about 3-4 weeks.

Their are varies mode for battery setup.
I'm using "Lead Acid" battery, and when I'm driving it automatically see that the Alternator is running (~13.2v) and it stops. [12.5v = not running]

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nvs avatar image
nvs answered ·

Hello, I have found this capture-decran-2023-12-19-a-155257.png

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