
andyknownasabu avatar image
andyknownasabu asked

How to calculate the AC loads from individual values?


I have a Multiplus-based Victron system connected to HomeAssistant using the Victron integration. While a large number of values, parameters and settings are made available to HomeAssistant, one critical one is missing: The "AC loads" as shown in the remote console.

I tried to calcuate it myself using the following formula but this formula only seems to work as long as I don't have lots of PV power coming from the roof. What's wrong with this formula and can someone tell me the correct one?

                 { (
states('sensor.victron_grid_l1_power_31') | float - states('sensor.victron_vebus_activein_l1_power_227') | float +
states('sensor.victron_grid_l2_power_31') | float -
states('sensor.victron_vebus_activein_l2_power_227') | float +
states('sensor.victron_grid_l3_power_31') | float -
states('sensor.victron_vebus_activein_l3_power_227') | float
) | round(0) | abs
Multiplus-IIhome assistant
2 |3000

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·

Moved to modifications space. More chance of a good answer there.

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andyknownasabu avatar image andyknownasabu kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·
Thanks a lot!
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lennart-1 avatar image lennart-1 andyknownasabu commented ·

Did you manage to find an answer?

I found out that 'Total concumption' equals the sum of the 3 sensors below:

value_template: "{ { [states('sensor.victron_system_consumption_l1'),states('sensor.victron_system_consumption_l2'),states('sensor.victron_system_consumption_l3')]| map('int')|sum}}"

And that 'Total concumption' can devided into 'AC Loads' and 'Critical Loads'.
But can't find how to find/calculate those...

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