
hemmi avatar image
hemmi asked

New Cerbo GX with 3 Data USB and GX Touch

I heard that it will be released a new version of the Cerbo GX where all 3 USB are suitable for data transmission. If I use a Touch GX, can I connect the USB of the Touch GX to an external USB port 2.0 or 3.0 so that I have all 3 USB ports of the Cerbo GX available for data transmission? Does the communication between the Cerbo GX and the Touch GX work over the HDMI? I ask this because I want to avoid a USB hub.

Does someone know when the new version of the Cerbo GX will be available?

Thank you.

cerbo gx
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ejrossouw avatar image ejrossouw commented ·
It is already available but best to check with your supplier.
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2 Answers
luphi avatar image
luphi answered ·

You can have the Touch50/70 powered by an external USB power supply.

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Marc Elvery avatar image
Marc Elvery answered ·

Information about the Cerbo MK2 is on the documentation portal

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