
hsb-lee avatar image
hsb-lee asked

Incorrect Grid export Value



I have a system where I am using the 100A CT to monitor the grid, And the EM112 Meter measuring the solar, Everything is connected on Input 1 and I have set this for the PV Meter on Input 1, But I still get these incorrect reading any help would be much appreciated



cerbo gx
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4 Answers
Jason - UK avatar image
Jason - UK answered ·

@HSB-Lee several questions, maybe obvious,

Is the CR sensor fitted the correct way wound? There is a direction arrow on the CT sensor.

Is the CT sensor enabled in VE.Configure?

How is the ET112 set up in the console settings? Is the position setting 'AC Input 1'?

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hsb-lee avatar image
hsb-lee answered ·

Hi Jason,

Thanks for this information, I have checked both the Inverter position and the CT Sensor is enabled which is shown in my screenshots, CT arrow correct.


screenshot-2023-12-07-163632.png screenshot-2023-12-07-at-16-36-00-1-park-side-ave.png

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Jason - UK avatar image
Jason - UK answered ·

@HSB-Lee Just a thought, try opening your VRM in a different browser. Another option is to go into the settings, a reboot the GX device.

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hsb-lee avatar image
hsb-lee answered ·

Hi Jason

I have reset this device many times, Mainly when I make any changes, I have just done so again but as seen in the attached image the problem still exists, do you have any other ideas as to what might be the cause?



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